My /Tuesday Ten series began in March 2007, initially as an attempt to round up the best tracks of each month for my friends, but swiftly gained a life of its own. This post is to provide a list of all of the /Tuesday Ten entries so far, with links to each. A database of all of the tracks will follow once I find a safe and secure way of doing it.
How this series works: once a month, from the first week of January to the first week of November, I post ten or more of the best tracks I’ve heard in the past month. Then on the other Tuesdays from January until end-November (but rarely all of them!), I pick a subject to write about. This evolved from, initially, a number of more personal subjects into a surprisingly broad range, which have a variety of inspirations, too.
In more recent times – since about 2017 on a regular basis – I’ve opened up suggestions to my Facebook friends, with some busy and oh-so-slightly overwhelming threads resulting, that give me a whole host of ideas for such posts, and indeed have suggested a great many songs I may not have thought of at all (and introduced me to songs I should have heard previously, too). The support of such regular contributors is much appreciated, needless to say.
/Tuesday Ten/2007
/Tuesday Ten/2008
/Tuesday Ten/2009
/Tuesday Ten/2010
/Tuesday Ten/2011
/Tuesday Ten/2012
/Tuesday Ten/2013
/Tuesday Ten/2014
/Tuesday Ten/2015
/Tuesday Ten/2016
/Tuesday Ten/2017
/Tuesday Ten/2018
/Tuesday Ten/2019
/Tuesday Ten/2020
/Tuesday Ten/2021
/Tuesday Ten/2022
/002/Music that Inspired
/004/Tracks of the Month/Apr-07
/005/North American 90s Alternative
/006/Tracks of the Month/May-07
/007/Songs to Annoy Your Neighbours
/008/Forgotten Bands
/009/Tracks of the Month/Jun-07
/010/Cover Versions
/011/Bands I *really* dislike
/012/tcf and Stormblast top fives
/013/Tracks of the Month/Jul-07
/014/The DJ Emergency Kit
/015/The Ghosts Of Infest Past
/016/Tracks of the Month/Aug-07
/019/Tracks of the Month/Sep-07
/020/Bands I’ve Not Seen Live
/021/Overplayed Videos
/022/Overplayed Dancefloor Tracks
/023/Tracks of the Month/Oct-07
/024/Changing Direction
/025/The Most Disappointing Albums of 2007
/Subject: Inspirations
/Subject: Remixes
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: North American 90s Alternative
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Annoying the Neighbours
/Subject: Forgotten Bands
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Covers
/Subject: Dislikes
/Subject: Top Fives
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: DJing
/Subject: Infest Festival
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Videos
/Subject: Genres
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Not Seen Live
/Subject: Videos
/Subject: Dancefloor Tracks
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Changing Direction
/Subject: Disappointments























/Track Count: 16
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 13
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 13
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 34
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/027/Crossing Boundaries
/028/”Overdue” New Albums
/029/All You Need Is Hate
/030/Tracks of the Month/Jan-08
/031/Live Venues
/032/Tracks of the Month/Feb-08
/034/Tracks of the Month/Mar-08
/035/90s I
/036/90s II
/037/Tracks of the Month/Apr-08
/038/Musical Heroes
/039/Tracks of the Month/May-08
/040/In All Languages
/041/The Best of What
/042/Tracks of the Month/Jun-08
/044/Music That Is Pissing Me Off
/045/Biting The Hand That Feeds
/046/Tracks of the Month/Jul-08
/047/Documents of the Past
/048/An Infest Wishlist
/049/Tracks of the Month/Aug-08
/050/The Female of the Species
/051/Metal Videos (that won’t make it to MTV2)
/052/Tracks of the Month/Sep-08
/054/The London Astoria
/055/Tracks of the Month/Oct-08
/056/American Politics
/057/Side Projects
/058/2008’s Voyage of Discovery
/Subject: Genres
/Subject: Awaited New Albums
/Subject: Hate
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Live
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: 1980s
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: 1990s
/Subject: 1990s
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Heroes
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Languages
/Subject: Best of
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Cities, Sheffield
/Subject: Dislikes
/Subject: Music Industry
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Historical Events
/Subject: Infest Festival
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Women
/Subject: Videos
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Drugs
/Subject: Venues, The Astoria
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Politics, USA
/Subject: Side Projects
/Subject: 2008





























/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 40
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 0
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 0
/Track Count: 0
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 18
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 9
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 14
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/062/Tracks of the Month/Feb-09
/064/Do You Remember The First Time?
/067/Tracks of the Month/Mar-09
/069/Tracks of the Month/Apr-09
/070/The Sound of Summer?
/071/Tracks of the Month/May-09
/074/Music, My Dad and Me
/075/The Best of 2009 So Far (Albums)
/076/The Best of 2009 So Far (Tracks)
/077/Tracks of the Month/Jun-09
/078/90s Industrial Metal
/081/Tracks of the Month/Jul-09
/082/Life In The City
/084/Tracks of the Month/Aug-09
/085/Tracks of the Month/Sep-09
/086/Tracks of the Month/Oct-09
/087/Tracks of the Month/Nov-09
/Subject: Instruments, Blastbeats
/Subject: Comedians
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Robots
/Subject: Debut Albums
/Subject: Places
/Subject: Live
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Religion
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Summer
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Lust, Sex
/Subject: Crimes
/Subject: Family
/Subject: 2009
/Subject: 2009
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: 1990s, Industrial Metal
/Subject: Space
/Subject: Swearing
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Cities
/Subject: Soundtracks
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Tracks of the Month


























/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 12
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 19
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 0
/Track Count: 0
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 12
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/089/Better Covers
/090/Tracks of the Month/Jan-10
/091/Bad Romance
/093/Tracks of the Month/Feb-10
/094/Ten Women In Music I Find More Attractive Than Kylie Minogue
/095/Until Death (Us Do Part)
/096/Tracks of the Month/Mar-10
/097/Tracks of the Month/Apr-10
/098/It’s A Man’s Man’s Man’s World
/099/Joy Division/New Order covers/30 years since the death of Ian Curtis
/100/Now Sports
/101/Tracks of the Month/May-10
/102/Getting Naked
/105/Tracks of the Month/Jun-10
/106/It Seemed A Good Idea At The Time
/107/Stuck on Repeat
/108/Tracks of the Month/Jul-10
/110/2000 Ways of Getting Drunk
/112/Tracks of the Month/Aug-10
/114/Tracks of the Month/Sep-10
/115/Haven’t You Heard?
/117/Tracks of the Month/Oct-10
/Subject: Covers
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Love
/Subject: Instruments, Cowbell
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Women
/Subject: Death
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Misogyny
/Subject: Covers, Joy Division, New Order
/Subject: Sports
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Naked, Sex
/Subject: Animals
/Subject: Intros
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Musical Regrets
/Subject: Unoriginal sounds
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Nuclear
/Subject: Getting Drunk
/Subject: Betrayal
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Genres
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Artists you may not have heard
/Subject: Samples
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Adverts































/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 14
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 14
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 45
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 9
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/121/Tracks of the Month/Jan-11
/123/Tracks of the Month/Feb-11
/124/Food & Drink
/127/Tracks of the Month/Mar-11
/128/Royalty and Privilege
/129/Tracks of the Month/Apr-11
/130/Bands We Can Blame Oasis For
/131/Tracks of the Month/May-11
/133/90s Dance
/134/Tracks of the Month/Jun-11
/135/A Night On The Town
/136/Tracks of the Month/Jul-11
/137/Videos and 30 Years of MTV
/139/Music Daisy Loves…And I Don’t.
/140/Tracks of the Month/Aug-11
/141/Bad Sex
/142/Good Sex
/143/Tracks of the Month/Sep-11
/144/Back For Good?
/145/Tracks of the Month/Oct-11
/Subject: Literature
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Love, Being Dumped
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Food, Drink
/Subject: Numbers
/Subject: Horror
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Royalty, Privilege
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Oasis, Influences
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: 1991, 1990s
/Subject: 1990s
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Cities, Nightlife
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Videos
/Subject: Hip-Hop
/Subject: Family, Dislikes
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Sex
/Subject: Sex
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Reunions
/Subject: Tracks of the Month



























/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 25
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/147/Long Songs
/148/Tracks of the Month/Jan-12
/150/Tracks of the Month/Feb-12
/151/All My Best Friends Are Metalheads
/152/Repackage, remaster, reissue
/153/Tracks of the Month/Mar-12
/154/Here’s Tom With The Weather
/155/Tracks of the Month/Apr-12
/156/Tracks of the Month/May-12
/157/Tracks of the Month/Jun-12
/158/Concept Albums
/160/Tracks of the Month/Jul-12
/161/The End of the World Show
/162/Tracks of the Month/Aug-12
/163/Devil’s Night
/164/Tracks of the Month/Sep-12
/165/Tracks of the Month/Oct-12
/166/Musical References
/Subject: Time, Long Songs
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: B-sides
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Friends in music
/Subject: Reissues
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Weather
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Concept Albums
/Subject: Fire
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Apocalypse, End of the World
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Horror, The Devil
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Referencing other bands





















/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/168/Tracks of the Month/Jan-13
/169/Sacred Cows
/170/Tracks of the Month/Feb-13
/171/2012 redux: Missed from the lists
/172/Tracks of the Month/Mar-13
/173/Tracks of the Month/Apr-13
/174/Live Albums
/175/Science Fiction – Double Feature
/176/Depeche Mode covers
/177/Tracks of the Month/May-13
/178/The Bucket List
/179/Hitchin’ A Ride
/180/Tracks of the Month/Jun-13
/181/Fight The Power
/182/Tracks of the Month/Jul-13
/183/An Infest Retrospective
/184/Tracks of the Month/Aug-13
/185/Tracks of the Month/Sep-13
/186/Television, the Drug of the Nation
/188/Tracks of the Month/Oct-13
/189/Remembrance and War
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Dislikes
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: 2012
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Live
/Subject: Science Fiction
/Subject: Covers, Depeche Mode
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Bands I’m yet to see live
/Subject: Changing Direction
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Politics, Europe, Left-Wing Politics
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Infest Festival
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Television
/Subject: Fight
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: War, Remembrance























/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 20
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 18
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/192/Reader’s Perfect Albums
/193/Perfect and Worst Albums
/194/Tracks of the Month/Jan-14
/195/ten years, ten bands: ten years of
/197/Bigmouth Strikes Again
/198/Tracks of the Month/Feb-14
/199/As Seen On TV
/200/Tracks of the Month/Mar-14
/201/The Clock Is Ticking
/202/Tracks of the Month/Apr-14
/203/By The Sea
/204/Tracks of the Month/May-14
/205/Tracks of the Month/Jun-14
/208/Money Money Money
/209/Tracks of the Month/Jul-14
/211/Tracks of the Month/Aug-14
/213/Tracks of the Month/Sep-14
/214/Available in All Colours
/215/Tracks of the Month/Oct-14
/216/Reader’s Unsung Artists
/Subject: Revenge
/Subject: Reader Takeover, Perfect Albums
/Subject: Perfect Albums, Worst Albums
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Anniversary
/Subject: Sleep
/Subject: Musicians with controversial opinions
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Alternative bands on TV, Videos
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Time
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Sea
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Lies
/Subject: Fetish, BDSM
/Subject: Money
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: 1994
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Cities, Chicago
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Colour
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Reader Takeover, Unsung
/Subject: Positivity



























/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 22
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 24
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 18
/Track Count: 12
/221/Tracks of the Month/Jan-15
/222/KMFDM/Thirty Years of The Ultra-Heavy Beat
/223/Break Stuff – Reappraising Nu-Metal?
/224/Teenage Kicks
/225/Tracks of the Month/Feb-15
/226/Who Let The Dogs Out?
/227/Tracks of the Month/Mar-15
/228/Fake Bands In Film and TV
/229/It’s Getting Goth In Here
/230/Tracks of the Month/Apr-15
/232/Tracks of the Month/May-15
/233/You’re So Vain
/234/Tracks of the Month/Jun-15
/235/Twenty Years of Gigs
/236/Tracks of the Month/Jul-15
/237/(We Don’t Need This) Fascist Groove Thang
/238/Dead on “TV”
/239/Tracks of the Month/Aug-15
/240/A Purr-fect Ten – Songs about Cats
/241/Long Live The UK Music Scene
/242/Front 242
/243/Tracks of the Month/Sep-15
/246/Tracks of the Month/Oct-15
/Subject: Outros
/Subject: Nightclubs
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: KMFDM
/Subject: Nu-Metal
/Subject: Teenagers
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Animals, Dogs
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Bands on TV, Bands in Film
/Subject: Goth
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Medication
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Vanity
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Gigs, Anniversary
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Anti-Fascist
/Subject: Deaths “onscreen”
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Animals, Cats
/Subject: The Music Press
/Subject: Reader Takeover, Front 242
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Merchandise
/Subject: Horror, Spooky
/Subject: Tracks of the Month

























/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 0
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 9
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 11
/248/Tracks of the Month/Jan-16
/249/Communication Breakdown (Telephones and Music)
/250/Tracks of the Month/Feb-96
/251/Tracks of the Month/Feb-16
/252/Inappropriate Wedding Songs
/253/Tracks of the Month/Mar-96
/254/Tracks of the Month/Mar-16
/255/Me Myself and I
/256/Tracks of the Month/Apr-96
/257/Tracks of the Month/Apr-16
/258/That’s why múm has gone to Ísland
/259/Age of Consent
/260/Tracks of the Month/May-96
/261/Tracks of the Month/May-16
/262/A Place Called England
/263/Tracks of the Month/Jun-96
/264/Tracks of the Month/Jun-16
/265/You Could Have Both
/266/Tracks of the Month/Jul-96
/267/Tracks of the Month/Jul-16
/268/Notable People in Song
/269/Tracks of the Month/Aug-96
/270/Tracks of the Month/Aug-16
/271/Tracks of the Month/Sep-96
/272/Tracks of the Month/Sep-16
/273/Tracks of the Month/Oct-96
/274/Tracks of the Month/Oct-16
/275/First We Take Manhattan
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Telecommunications
/Subject: Tracks of the Month, 1990s
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Wedding Songs
/Subject: Tracks of the Month, 1990s
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Sex, Masturbation
/Subject: Tracks of the Month, 1990s
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Countries, Iceland
/Subject: Questionable relationships
/Subject: Tracks of the Month, 1990s
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Countries, England
/Subject: Tracks of the Month, 1990s
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Polyamory
/Subject: Tracks of the Month, 1990s
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Notable People
/Subject: Tracks of the Month, 1990s
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Tracks of the Month, 1990s
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Tracks of the Month, 1990s
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Cities, New York City





























/Track Count: 20
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 20
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 20
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 14
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 16
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 14
/Track Count: 10
/277/Here Comes The Flood (Environmental Songs)
/278/Camden Town
/279/Tracks of the Month/Jan-97
/280/Tracks of the Month/Jan-17
/281/Love, and Prince
/282/Poker Face
/283/Tracks of the Month/Feb-97
/284/Tracks of the Month/Feb-17
/285/Yes! I Am A Long Way From Home
/286/When I Grow Up
/287/Tracks of the Month/Mar-97
/288/Tracks of the Month/Mar-17
/289/European Me
/290/Why Don’t You Get A Job?
/291/Tracks of the Month/Apr-97
/292/Tracks of the Month/Apr-17
/293/My Weakness Is None of Your Business
/294/Strength to Endure
/295/Tracks of the Month/May-97
/296/Tracks of the Month/May-17
/297/The Monster Mash
/298/Tracks of the Month/Jun-97
/299/Tracks of the Month/Jun-17
/300/Bring The Noise
/301/Oh My Goth!
/302/Tracks of the Month/Jul-97
/303/Tracks of the Month/Jul-17
/304/No Words, No Thoughts
/305/I’ve Got A Little Something For You
/306/When Worlds Collide
/307/Tracks of the Month/Aug-17
/308/#1 Crush
/309/Beat the Meat
/310/Tracks of the Month/Aug/Sep-97
/311/Tracks of the Month/Sep-17
/313/Tracks of the Month/Oct-97
/314/Tracks of the Month/Oct-17
/315/Gun Lover/Songs About Weapons
/Subject: Environment
/Subject: Cities, Camden Town
/Subject: Tracks of the Month, 1990s
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Prince, Love
/Subject: Gambling
/Subject: Tracks of the Month, 1990s
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Immigration
/Subject: Ageing, Getting Old
/Subject: Tracks of the Month, 1990s
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Politics, Europe
/Subject: Employment, Jobs
/Subject: Tracks of the Month, 1990s
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Weakness
/Subject: Strength
/Subject: Tracks of the Month, 1990s
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Monsters
/Subject: Tracks of the Month, 1990s
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Listening to music
/Subject: Reader Takeover, Goth
/Subject: Tracks of the Month, 1990s
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Instrumentals
/Subject: Euphemisms
/Subject: Classical in popular music
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Reader Takeover, Favourite Bands
/Subject: Vegetarianism
/Subject: Tracks of the Month, 1990s
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: The Internet
/Subject: Tracks of the Month, 1990s
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Weapons







































/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 12
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 12
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 12
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 20
/Track Count: 12
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 28
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 20
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 12
/Track Count: 17
/Track Count: 11
/317/Hometown Unicorn
/318/Speed King
/319/Tracks of the Month/Jan-18
/320/Nothing Matters When We’re Dancing
/323/Tracks of the Month/Feb-18
/324/Independent Women
/325/40 Years of The Cure – Their Influence in Covers
/326/Tracks of the Month/Mar-18
/327/Only Happy When It Rains
/328/The Distance
/329/Tracks of the Month/Apr-18
/330/Dream A Little Dream of Me
/331/The Nightmare I Am
/332/Tracks of the Month/May-18
/333/Joy In Repetition
/334/Pictures of You
/335/Eat My Goal
/336/Tracks of the Month/Jun-18
/337/Hot Hot Hot!!!
/338/With a Little Help from My Friends
/339/Tracks of the Month/Jul-18
/341/Music and Geekery – From Ash to Zep
/342/Tracks of the Month/Aug-18
/343/Song of Joy
/344/Little Arithmetics
/345/Calculating Infinity
/346/Tracks of the Month/Sep-18
/347/Ready to Start
/348/Closing Time
/349/Tracks of the Month/Oct-18
/350/American Politics v2 – Protest Music in the age of Trump
/351/You Think You’re A Man (Toxic Masculinity)
/352/Happy Endings
/Subject: Smalltown life
/Subject: Speed
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Dancing
/Subject: Privilege
/Subject: Protection
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Reader Takeover, Women
/Subject: The Cure, Covers
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Depression
/Subject: Distances
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Sleep, Dreams
/Subject: Sleep, Nightmares
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Repetition
/Subject: Photography
/Subject: Sports, Football
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Heat, Hot
/Subject: Friendship
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Celebration
/Subject: Nine Worlds, Geekery
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Joy
/Subject: Numbers
/Subject: Numbers
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Opening Tracks
/Subject: Closing Tracks
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Politics, America, USA
/Subject: Toxic Masculinity
/Subject: Endings





































/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 12
/Track Count: 12
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 14
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 12
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 20
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 15
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 16
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 13
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 12
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/354/Leave Them All Behind
/355/How Great Thou Art
/356/Product Placement
/357/Tracks of the Month/Jan-19
/358/Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
/359/Touch Me I’m Sick
/360/Music of the Spheres
/361/Tracks of the Month/Feb-19
/362/New Beginning
/363/How to Disappear Completely
/364/Tracks of the Month/Mar-19
/365/The Experience of Swimming
/366(6)/The Return of Stormblast
/367/It’s Oh So Quiet
/368/Tracks of the Month/Apr-19
/369/Something I Can Never Have
/370/Being Boring
/371/Tracks of the Month/May-19
/372/I Ran
/373/Summer’s Kiss
/374/Tracks of the Month/Jun-19
/375/An Eye Is Upon You
/376/Man on the Moon
/377/Tracks of the Month/Jul-19
/378/Are You Gonna Wait Forever
/379/Horses In My Dreams
/380/Tracks of the Month/Aug-19
/381/It’s A Family Affair
/382/Girls Girls Girls/Given Names/Feminine
/383/Boys Boys Boys/Given Names/Masculine
/384/Tracks of the Month/Sep-19
/385/I’m So Happy You Failed
/386/The Way We Used To
/387/Tracks of the Month/Oct-19
/388/The Machineries of Joy
/389/I Like Birds
/Subject: Reader Takeover, Old Bands
/Subject: Art
/Subject: Food and drink in song
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Sorry
/Subject: Illness
/Subject: Geometry, Shapes
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Beginnings
/Subject: Invisibility, Loneliness
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Swimming
/Subject: Stormblast, Extreme Metal
/Subject: Dynamics, Quiet LOUD
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Unrequited Love
/Subject: Adulthood, Mundane Life
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Escaping
/Subject: Summer
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Spying, Espionage
/Subject: Space
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Waiting
/Subject: Animals, Horses
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Family
/Subject: Names, Girls
/Subject: Names, Boys
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Failure, Hubris, Arrogance
/Subject: Memory, Remembrance, Death
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: The Sound of Machinery
/Subject: Animals, Birds




































/Track Count: 28
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 12
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 20
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/391/The Circus Is Leaving Town
/392/I, Me, Mine
/394/Tracks of the Month/Jan-20
/395/Gods and Monsters
/396/Don’t Fucking Tell Me What To Do
/397/No Treasure But Hope
/398/Tracks of the Month/Feb-20
/399/Tyrant Lizard King
/402/Pumping Iron
/403/Tracks of the Month/Mar-20
/404/Not Found
/405/No Good Advice
/407/Tracks of the Month/Apr-20
/410/Senses Working Overtime/Taste
/411/Tracks of the Month/May-20
/412/Senses Working Overtime/Smell
/413/Senses Working Overtime/Sound
/414/Senses Working Overtime/Touch
/415/Senses Working Overtime/Sight
/416/Tracks of the Month/Jun-20
/417/Senses Working Overtime/Sixth
/418/Twenty-Five Years Gigging
/419/Tracks of the Month/Jul-20
/420/I Wanna Get High
/421/Follow The Leader
/423/Everyone Must Win
/424/Tracks of the Month/Aug-20
/425/Smokers Reflect
/426/War on Error
/428/Tracks of the Month/Sep-20
/429/Some Guys Have All The Luck
/430/Dressed for Success
/431/In These Shoes
/432/The World Was A Mess But His Hair Was Perfect
/433/Tracks of the Month/Oct-20
/434/Rock the Vote
/435/Buy Now…Saved Later
/436/Tiny Changes
/Subject: Circus, Clowns
/Subject: The Self, Selfish
/Subject: Unbearable
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Mythology
/Subject: Instructions
/Subject: Hope
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Animals, Reptiles
/Subject: Numbers, Hundreds
/Subject: Lockdown, Isolation
/Subject: Lockdown, Fitness
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Lost, Found
/Subject: Lockdown, Advice
/Subject: Lockdown, Warnings
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Lockdown, Conspiracy
/Subject: Lockdown, Lazy
/Subject: Senses, Taste
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Senses, Smell
/Subject: Senses, Sound
/Subject: Senses, Touch
/Subject: Senses, Sight
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Senses, Sixth Sense
/Subject: Anniversary, Gigs
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Drugs, Marijuana, Cannibis
/Subject: Leaders
/Subject: Losing
/Subject: Winning
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Smoking
/Subject: The War on Terror
/Subject: Secrets
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Luck, Chance
/Subject: Sartorial, Clothes
/Subject: Sartorial, Shoes, Footwear
/Subject: Sartorial, Hair
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Politics, Musicians in politics
/Subject: Shopping, Buying, Selling
/Subject: The Future














































/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 16
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 15
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 12
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 15
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 40
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 13
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 13
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 15
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/438/Pure Uncut Anger
/439/You’ll Rebel to Anything
/440/Lulled by Numbers
/441/Tracks of the Month/Jan-21
/443/Where The Wild Roses Grow
/444/History Repeating
/445/Tracks of the Month/Feb-21
/446/Want More Need Less
/447/Talk About The Weather
/448/Tracks of the Month/Mar-21
/450/Two Different Ways
/451/Last Stop: This Town
/452/Tracks of the Month/Apr-21
/453/End Is A New Start
/454/What Did You Do In The War?
/455/Tracks of the Month/May-21
/456/Danger! High Voltage!
/457/Rock’n’Roll High School
/458/Tracks of the Month/Jun-21
/459/Don’t Fight It, Feel It
/460/Tracks of the Month/Jul-21
/461/Cocktails for Two
/462/A Time and a Place
/463/Speed of the Sound of Loneliness
/464/Tracks of the Month/Aug-21
/465/Just the One
/466/Two Wires Thin
/467/Tracks of the Month/Sep-21
/468/3 Feet High and Rising
/469/Four Letter Word
/470/Tracks of the Month/Oct-21
/471/Longer and Longer
/472/Broken / Fixed
/Subject: Anger
/Subject: Lockdown, Disobedience, Rebellion
/Subject: Numbers
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Acronyms
/Subject: Flowers, Roses
/Subject: Repetition
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Want, Need
/Subject: Weather
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Flowers
/Subject: Duos
/Subject: Cities, Leaving Town
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: False Endings
/Subject: Military, Armed Forces
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Electricity
/Subject: School
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: It, Indeterminate Things
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Alcohol, Cocktails
/Subject: Landmarks
/Subject: Loneliness
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: One letter, song titles
/Subject: Two letter, song titles
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Three letter, song titles
/Subject: Four letter, song titles
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Long one-word song titles
/Subject: Broken and Fixed




































/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/474/What Side Are You On?
/475/In A Big Country
/476/Tracks of the Month/Jan-22
/477/You Make Me Nervous
/478/Fires of Frustration
/479/Stormy Clouds
/480/Tracks of the Month/Feb-22
/481/Up and Down
/483/My Country
/484/Fifteen Years
/485/Tracks of the Month/Mar-22
/487/Let’s Go Dark
/488/Sell Out
/489/Tracks of the Month/Apr-22
/490/Different Drum
/491/When Will I Be Famous?
/492/Tracks of the Month/May-22
/493/I’m So Excited
/494/Now There’s Nothing
/495/Tracks of the Month/Jun-22
/496/You Are Free (To Do As We Tell You)
/497/It’s Oh So Quiet
/498/Pump Up The Volume
/499/Tracks of the Month/Jul-22
/500/Tellin’ Stories
/Subject: Class, Privilege
/Subject: The Countryside
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Anxiety, Nervousness, Panic Attacks
/Subject: Frustration
/Subject: Weather, Storms
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Directions, Up, Down
/Subject: Rules, Cheating
/Subject: National Identity, Nationalism
/Subject: Anniversary, Fifteen Years of Tuesday Ten
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Light
/Subject: Dark
/Subject: Alt. Pop Songwriters
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Difference
/Subject: Fame
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Excitement, Thrills
/Subject: Nothing, Zero
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Freedom, Freedom of Choice
/Subject: Quiet, Silence
/Subject: Noise, Volume, Loud
/Subject: Tracks of the Month
/Subject: Stories




























/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 15
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 16
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 15
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 20
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 17
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 20
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 11
/Track Count: 10
/Track Count: 10