/DJ /Guest /107 /Mr Wynne’s Fifty-Tenth
Another landmark birthday for a friend, and they asked me to DJ, alongside Mortasha Kinski and DemonDaz.
I’ve been DJing at other events and private parties almost as long as I’ve run my own nights. It’s fun, it provides something different, and has made me a whole load of new friends and contacts, not to mention discovering so much new music.
Another landmark birthday for a friend, and they asked me to DJ, alongside Mortasha Kinski and DemonDaz.
Almost exactly a year since I last did an in-person DJ set, here’s another one.
My first “proper” club DJing in ages was a great return to something I love doing.
I’ve known my friend Mark13 an awfully long time – and DJed with him quite a few times – so it was a pleasure to be asked to DJ at his milestone birthday party.
It’s been a little while since I last travelled to DJ, but a short trip across Kent was no problem to join the Post Plague night for the first time.
In a bit of a departure, I was asked by Mark Eris to contribute a mix for his Ambient Recovery series.
In the works for some time, this was my first “in person” DJing since February 2020, and my first guest DJ appearance in some time, too. It was good to be back.
The Chaos Emergency Doof Broadcast Network, run by Lee Chaos and DJ Duracell Bunny, has been an enjoyable corner of madness every week – and occasionally at weekends, too – across 2020, and perhaps unsurprisingly, another big event came about for New Year’s Eve.
I DJed at JUDDER seven times over the years, so when Lee Chaos announced he was going to do an online JUDDER this year for his significant birthday, there was no way I wasn’t going to get involved when I was asked. So, I pre-recorded a half-hour set that dug into old JUDDER favourites from […]
The lockdown meant no Infest Festival this year, but it did mean Stay-In-Fest was a thing – a twelve-hour virtual festival across three streams. As well as a number of interviews that I conducted for the day – all of which will appear on /amodelofcontrol.com over the next couple of weeks – I was asked […]
My friend Jacqui turned 40 over the Christmas period, so decided to throw a party when more people could come and invited me and a few friends to DJ it. Naturally, it was a whole lot of fun. This was, of course, my first DJ set of the new decade.
A fifth time DJing for the GVWI Hallowe’en party, even if it was a bit earlier than usual this year (damn those calendar clashes, eh?), and on an awful, wet night. Still, it was a lot of fun.
Another friend’s birthday, another fun set. Tech issues nearly scuppered the whole DJing malarkey, but we got there in the end thanks to Simon’s skills….
The first DJing of 2019, and this time it was a rather different audience, so a very different set of songs to usual, perhaps.
The first time DJing in a while last night, where I joined Victoria Fenbane and Deathboy to DJ for my friend Poggs at his 40th birthday celebration. A raucous night that turned out to be a lot of fun to DJ.
All things must come to an end, and last night, the long-running club night JUDDER came to an end after fourteen years. It had one hell of a send-off, as appropriate for an often wild and crazy night over the years.
After a year off, and with a new venue, I assisted for a fourth time with the GVWI‘s Hallowe’en Party – by being the DJ, along with Andy Ravensable and Simon Landmine. There are also a host of photos from the evening – click on the photo to the right.
The third party I’ve DJed this year, and what has been remarkable about them has been that all three have been very different. Different locations, different people, and different music, too. The DJs here (Bob and myself – only my sets are shown here for the moment), were actually a surprise element to Tim’s birthday […]
In something of a return to DJing (aside from a few private parties recently, this was my first set in eighteen months), I donned my DJ:traumahound hat last night to join Jonny and Nathan at Tragedy >For Us< in Whitechapel, and it was great to be back.
Not all DJ sets go as planned, and this was one of them.