/Tuesday Ten /575 /We Are Family
Around Valentine’s Day, I’ve occasionally looked at vaguely relevant (or downright inappropriate!) themes for /Tuesday Tens in the eighteen years since the series began, and this year is no different.
Now ten years old and counting, my regular series of Tuesday posts takes in new music and sometimes rather random categories.
Around Valentine’s Day, I’ve occasionally looked at vaguely relevant (or downright inappropriate!) themes for /Tuesday Tens in the eighteen years since the series began, and this year is no different.
What with work being busy, and my trip for the final 242 shows last week, most writing plans for January got tossed out of the window or deferred.
2025 sees /amodelofcontrol.com enter 21 years active, and this coming summer, I will mark thirty years since the first gig that I attended. Life has been busy of late, and a slightly longer Christmas break from writing was much-needed.
The final /Tuesday Ten of 2024 is a subject that turned out to have a lot of legs. Insults.
The last /Tracks of the Month of 2024 brings various new songs and a bit of a catch-up from the past couple of months, to ensure I’ve covered as much as possible before /Countdown begins the end of year roundup in December.
A scream has a great many potential meanings. It could be an exclamation of triumph, of joy, of ecstasy, of pain, of fear, of shock. It is, however, usually loud and is frequently used or described in music.
Everything has changed in recent years. Many of us have moved from where we were (particularly those of us in London), our outlook on life might have changed, friends have got married, others having children, others still making other drastic changes to their lives.
It was back in July that I wrote /Tuesday Ten /562, intended as a pair of posts that were the opposite of each other.
First of the month, /Tracks of the Month time.
I turned forty-six last month, so I’m likely now in the right place for a midlife crisis.
Back on the normal, first Tuesday of the month schedule for /Tracks of the Month.
It’s the impending Bank Holiday Weekend, which means only one thing for us: it’s Infest this weekend in Bradford. /amodelofcontrol.com will be reporting back, of course, with the usual full coverage and photos after the event. If you’re there, come say hi.
Another late /Tracks post this month: sorry about that. Hopefully will be returning to the normal first Tuesday of the month in September.
Maybe I put this one off after asking for suggestions in January because it wasn’t the right time. Maybe, I just knew that there would be a time and a place for it.
It’s that time of the year when cycling comes to the forefront of the sporting world. As I post this, we begin today the third and final week of the Tour de France, and for the first time ever – since it began in 1903 – it won’t finish this coming Sunday on the Champs-Élysées […]
It’s been a busy, and sometimes chaotic past month, hence why this month’s /Tracks of the Month post is a week later than usual.
On 28 June 1969, the Stonewall Riots began, a gay liberation protest after the police raided the titular inn. They began the ball rolling for LGBTQIA+ people to become more visible, and to fight for their rights – and the following year, the first Pride marches in the US began.
It’s been another busy old month, with a lot to do, a lot of music to catch up on, and in the end having to hold over a few songs as I simply ran out of time to write about any more.
Fighting injustice, and fighting for justice, have been documented in song probably as long as people have sung songs. They are a way for the oppressed to tell their story, and spread the word of what happened – and in many cases, to set the record straight.
Last week, one of the bastions of Alternative Rock died. If you don’t know who Steve Albini was, you’ve certainly heard a song he was involved in. He was in bands since the early eighties, and recorded/produced/engineered hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of records (his Discogs page shows over 1,400 releases credited to him in […]