Welcome to the Future: 033: Events, gigs and new release round-up 16-March 2018

Another Friday, another round-up. As always this is a look at upcoming releases, relevant music news and upcoming events and gigs worth spending some of your time at. It is by no means an exhaustive list, and I’m always on the lookout for more to include.

Talk Show Host: 046: beinaheleidenschaftsgegenstand

Trying to do a series on British Industrial has actually proven a little more difficult than I perhaps expected, partly my own fault due to issues with time and other commitments. But, following on from Talk Show Host: 043 with ded.pixel, I’m now continuing the series with a band with a near-unpronounceable name for many.

Welcome to the Future: 029: Events, gigs and new release round-up 16-February 2018

Another Friday, another round-up. As always this is a look at upcoming releases, relevant music news and upcoming events and gigs worth spending some of your time at. It is by no means an exhaustive list, and I’m always on the lookout for more to include.

Welcome to the Future: 010: Music news round-up 01-September 2017

A new month, and I resume my now regular weekly roundup of musical items of interest. As is now usual, this will include the new releases this week, other announcements, upcoming events, and other items that are worth hearing about, as well as an update on what has been new on amodelofcontrol.com this week. There […]

Tuesday Ten: 302: Tracks of the Month (July 1997)

It feels a bit weird posting this today. Only yesterday I posted Talk Show Host: 034, my latest interview with seeming, where there was a lengthy discussion about how nostalgia in music makes us all regress.

Tuesday Ten: 273: Tracks of the Month (October 1996)

Onto part nine of my 1996 roundup. As a reminder, I’m marking twenty years of writing about music (my writing long pre-dates this website going live) across this year with a monthly look at ten releases from 1996, where possible in chronological order.


This week, on part three, I turn my attention to the best albums of the year. I seem to say it every year, but really – 2015 has been an extraordinary year for alternative music, you’ve just got to have been looking in the right places to find some of it. Not all of it […]


Week two of the amodelofcontrol.com review of 2015, and it’s onto the Best Tracks.

Tuesday Ten: 236: Tracks of the Month (July 2015)

As we hurtle headlong through the summer – it’s my birthday next weekend, and Infest just three short weeks after that – it is time already for another roundup of the tracks of the month, and I have to admit I’m already starting to consider what might be making the end of year lists – […]

Tuesday Ten: 232: Tracks of the Month (May 2015)

Been a bit of a quiet month on amodelofcontrol.com, as other parts of life have got in the way. But things are now ramping up again, with a number of posts and reviews to come.

Tuesday Ten: 218: 2015 and upcoming music

The start of a new year, so it is time for my usual round-up of music coming our way soon (here is last years). Sources are, as usual, a selection of direct band and label sources and press reports, and are believed correct at the time of writing.

Tuesday Ten: 192: Reader’s perfect albums

This week, my Tuesday Ten series goes in a new direction – as I’ve not written it. A few weeks ago, I posted an innocent post on Facebook asking my friends what they considered their perfect albums…and got an avalanche of suggestions. Over 100 comments and 150 suggested albums later, I thought it might be […]

Into the Pit: 099: Killing Joke – Live at Royal Festival Hall – 01-April 2011

Killing Joke are a band that, to many peoples surprise, I have never managed to see previously. So when the chance to go to this came up, there was no way I was going to miss it (even if it meant missing out on Paradise Lost playing all of Draconian Times across ‘town at The […]

/Tuesday Ten/120/Literature

The weird thing about writing these Tuesday Tens is that the ideas for some take a long time to come together. Others can have a whole load of suggestions come at once, particularly if an idea for a subject pops up while I’m in the pub, or out with my girlfriend (especially in the car, […]

/Countdown/1990s/Albums /60-41

Onto part three of my 90s album run-down. There is again a Spotify playlist accompaniment to it, which is only missing a couple of entries (it's remarkable how much is now on Spotify, actually!).