/Tuesday Ten/483/My Country

Watching helplessly as the world lurches from one crisis to another, most recently the appalling, unwarranted and illegal invasion of Ukraine by Russia, has not done much for the mind. Especially when I hear the politicians here in the UK yet again conflating everything with winning a war – to my ears, the worst kind […]

/Tuesday Ten/422/Loser

Last week, I looked at Leaders. Following on from that this week, I’m looking at Losing – as with poor leaders, you get losers, and like last week’s post, this has been sitting on the back burner for some considerable time. Next week will be songs about Winning.

/Countdown/2010s/Tracks /80-61

Continuing the process of wrapping up the last decade before it disappears too far into the rearview mirror, this is the seventh part of the best tracks of the 2010s. This has been an interesting, and memory-laden trip doing this list. I’ve dredged up a few memories, reconnected with a few songs I’d not heard […]

/Tuesday Ten/372/I Ran

The urge to get away is something that has been part of the popular music myth for decades – and probably as long as music has been enjoyed by humanity. It takes many forms, has been used in practically every style of music in one way or another, and has probably made many listeners consider […]


Onto week three of Countdown: 2017 on amodelofcontrol.com, and this week I’m looking at the best albums of the year. Despite the move towards, it seems, streaming services and a more disjointed approach to listening, I still find that the albums of the year “award” remains the more important one, and it’s why it comes […]