DJ: Guest: 016: SyN – 12-August 2006
Corp was an utter blast, even if was nearing totally wasted by the end of my second set (and to my shame not realising ’til today that I played one song twice). Oops. Thanks to all that came along to support me.
I started DJing in 2004. In 2020, I’m still doing it, just not as often, and in these COVID-ravaged times, mostly as Livestreams. All sets will be re-added here in time.
Corp was an utter blast, even if was nearing totally wasted by the end of my second set (and to my shame not realising ’til today that I played one song twice). Oops. Thanks to all that came along to support me.
The Batfink Midsummer Nightmare last night was damned good fun, with a great-looking turnout (both in numbers and in how they all looked), loads of people I’d not seen in ages, and a few people I had not met before, either…and the only downside being not enough time to catch up with them all!
…onto Judder for a good five hours plus of madness – then sleep, food and a wander ’round town, then back up to Sheffield at nearly the corresponding time that we left at yesterday.
Aside from a few technical issues, it was good fun – although I still can’t get used to the almost total darkness of the venue!
A rare Thursday night off from Stormblast last night, and it appears I missed a rather good (and busy!) one. D’oh! Foreverguardian and Nekrodrako stepped in for me.
Last night’s late finish was thanks to my guest DJ slot at Resurrected in Leeds. As it turned out, it was a pretty good night. Having never been to The George before, and despite being warned, I was still surprised over just how small (and dark!) it actually is. Nice place though, and good to […]
Last night at /Stormblast was a tad strange – and you could certainly tell that the students have mainly headed home for the Easter break. Still, thanks to those that did come down. Next week it is Foreverguardian and Nekrodrako (3ulogy/Nekrodrako) bringing the noise…
/Stormblast last night was another of those…interesting nights. Turnout was pretty good, a lot of positive comment, and the realisation that word travels further than you might expect on the internet. But then, I should have known that.
/Stormblast last night was a bit of a strange one. Not a bad turnout, and an interesting set of people, too. We have gained a new set of regulars in addition to the rest whose requests are sending us in a different direction again! Look for some new developments with Stormblast in the coming month […]
Thanks to those that did make it out last night through the nasty weather to /Stormblast. Slightly busier than last week, although our numbers appeared to be down a little on normal thanks to a metal gig elsewhere.
it was a quick dash through the late evening onto Quarantine, where the turnout was pretty good, as it goes, for 3ulogy’s live appearance. What did surprise me first off was that the Hubs venue seems better suited to live bands than club nights – the cavernous rooms do nothing for club sound, as I […]
Bit of a strange night in town last night. A little quieter than usual at Stormblast – but still good enough to keep us busy with requests as ever, and Ubersonic was rather quiet too. However walking through the City Centre late last night, everything seemed a little subdued. Are we back into the silly […]
Malice In Wonderland at The Nelson last night was more than a little strange. A good turnout – with many different people from the norm – some real effort gone into by the organisers (I was only helping out by DJing!), and more than anything it was pretty good fun. With a slightly different emphasis […]
Stormblast continues to surprise me, with it being always busy, now, with what appears to be an always growing number of regular visitors. So thanks as always to all that came down. Look out for something special being planned for a future Thursday, if I can pull it off!
A week off for me, as I went to see Goldfrapp that night. Foreverguardian, Barney and Dan held the fort.
The night is a slightly odd one – a mix of rocksoc people, other students and indie kids – so I got the chance to play a few things I have not played in a long time! The attendence is still probably below what is needed, but better than I have seen. Now the flyers […]
/Stormblast last night was a little quieter than recent weeks, with many of the regulars missing for one reason or the other. Ho hum – there's always next week. Which reminds me – next week is Foreverguardian and Barney DJing, as I am off to see Goldfrapp at Sheffield Octagon.
Once again last night /Stormblast proved to be a whole stack of fun – despite a slow start it was really busy again later on. Thanks as ever to all that came down. A nutcase from Wednesday didn't join us, I don't think – I reckon that could have been a good thing…
Thus endeth another week of DJing, and this week has been a great one for it. Both /tcf on Tuesday and now /Stormblast last night were really busy, a great atmosphere and of course many great tunes. Thanks to all that have made it down this week, of course.
Last night was again a good turnout – a bit down on recent weeks, partly I think due to the last week of exams for many of our studenty-types, and also as I understand a gig that a few of our usual visitors were at the night before became something of a heavy night…! Ho […]