/Tuesday Ten/453/End Is A New Start

Now the majority of the moving-in rigmarole is finally done – we have a couple of small side tables to build and that’s about it – not to mention our fibre broadband finally installed and live, I can begin to return to some kind of normality on /amodelofcontrol.com. That should mean a return to weekly […]

/Tuesday Ten/404/Not Found

In what I think is a first – or at least the first time in a long time – I was messaged about a suggestion for a /Tuesday Ten recently (by someone who isn’t my partner), and this is out this week’s post came about. So thanks to Kai for suggesting an appropriate /Tuesday Ten […]

Tuesday Ten: 306: When Worlds Collide

The influence of classical music upon “popular” music is often forgotten, perhaps as the evolution through what became jazz and blues into rock and beyond is a complex one that took quite some time – indeed it took most of the twentieth century, as the exceptional The Rest is Noise by Alex Ross explains in […]