/Tuesday Ten /577 /Can I Play With Madness
Things are a bit fucking crazy in the world right now, as the repercussions from the political events in the US begin to ripple across the world.
Things are a bit fucking crazy in the world right now, as the repercussions from the political events in the US begin to ripple across the world.
Continuing the amodelofcontrol.com review of 2023 – and the twentieth year that I’ve done this – which this week turns attention to the best tracks of the year. Next week will be the wrap of the best albums of 2023.
A week later than originally planned, here are this month’s best tracks. [cardoza_facebook_like_box] /Tuesday Ten /525 /Tracks of the Month /Subject /Tracks of the Month /Playlists /Spotify / /YouTube /Related /522/Tracks/Mar-23 /Tuesday Ten/Index /Details /Tracks this week/10 /Tracks on Spotify Playlist/10 /Duration/39:33 A fair number of returning artists this month, too – from industry veterans […]
Back from Whitby, and the usual Friday update to cover (it’s also Bandcamp Friday again today). In addition, my heart goes out to a long-time friend of this site, Sean Payne of Cyanotic, who lost his wife and is in hospital in Chicago himself this week after a car accident. You can help him out […]
A week off for anniversary shenanigans, and I’ve got an awful lot to catch up on. I’ll also be DJing on a livestream this week, and at a couple of events in the coming months – details to follow. This post is a roundup of (relevant to this site) new and upcoming music, a nod […]
Watching helplessly as the world lurches from one crisis to another, most recently the appalling, unwarranted and illegal invasion of Ukraine by Russia, has not done much for the mind. Especially when I hear the politicians here in the UK yet again conflating everything with winning a war – to my ears, the worst kind […]
One final November roundup – upcoming on this site will be /Countdown/2021, starting on Tuesday, as well as a few held-over interviews from earlier in the year. In the meantime, here’s the usual wrap of new music and suchlike this week.
It feels weird posting this, but I need to keep going. There are loads of new releases, and still new music coming through, and buying music right now is the only way we can help. The events listing is still being updated, but obviously an awful lot is being postponed, cancelled or changed right now.
A welcome to the many new readers of this page. This is the weekly Friday post, of new music coming your way this week and soon, as well as a look at the events and gigs in the future, and finally nods to any other notable news that affects artists and music that I cover […]
As we hurtle into Autumn, I’m now already considering what might be the best of 2018. Certainly, some of the releases featured this week will count toward that, but as always I cannot include everything – much as I’d like to.
Another Friday, another round-up. As always this is a look at upcoming releases, relevant music news and upcoming events and gigs worth spending some of your time at. It is by no means an exhaustive list, and I’m always on the lookout for more to include.
It all started at one of the very first weddings we attended. Up in the hills west of Huddersfield, this wedding had an “alternative” soundtrack as befitted the bride and groom, and after a first dance of Velvet Revolver’s Fall To Pieces and a succession of amusingly – and we have no idea if unwittingly […]
Finally, in December, I can start the process of seeing the back of 2014. But before it does end, here on amodelofcontrol.com it is time to run down the year in music, with the usual four Tuesday posts that begin with the year’s best compilations and reissues, then onto the best tracks of the year […]
So, seven years – almost to the week – since I started this series, the Tuesday Ten hits #200. That’s 200 lengthy posts, and 2,000 artists, songs, albums, venues (hey, the subjects have got around a bit). New songs, old songs, favourites, ones I dislike, even recently music other people love. It was initially started […]
This week, my Tuesday Ten series goes in a new direction – as I’ve not written it. A few weeks ago, I posted an innocent post on Facebook asking my friends what they considered their perfect albums…and got an avalanche of suggestions. Over 100 comments and 150 suggested albums later, I thought it might be […]
I’m beginning to like this idea of sponsored gigs. After all, if nothing else, the sponsorship helps to bring down the insane costs of gigging nowadays – noted last night on the gig listings was a Happy Mondays show at Brixton for £37.50, for example – and also benefits from perhaps better promotion and backing […]
Today marks the 30th anniversary of Ian Curtis’ death. The influence of his band and of course New Order that formed in the wake of his death has been enormous, and nowhere is this shown more by the massive list of covers of both band’s songs.
Following on from Tuesday, here's part two of my 90s albums rundown. This is fun, even if a little time consuming – and it's reminding me of songs I've not heard in a while, in some cases. As per Tuesday, there is a Spotify playlist accompaniment once again, with no omissions this time.
Continuing the long journey through the decade, part seven.
This year’s variant was in the same location as last year’s very busy one, but with some much-needed changes to the way things were run. The good news, for a start, was that the stage times over the main two stages were at least partly staggered so that not everything clashed, and with a reduced […]