DJ: Guest: 028: Infest 2008 – 24-August 2008 – Main Dancefloor Set
My first DJ appearance at Infest, on the main dancefloor. The second set was straight after Front 242. Full review here.
My first DJ appearance at Infest, on the main dancefloor. The second set was straight after Front 242. Full review here.
This was my first night DJing Autonomy, that started a run of a few years of me being “resident guest” at the night.
DJing at Devastator was great fun – a reasonable turnout and a fair number of enthusiastic punters made for DJ sets that weren’t as challenging as I had first thought they might be. Although it was interesting to note the differences to the Sheffield crowd, with a marked slant towards Death Metal and Thrash more […]
Genotype last night was good fun.
Last night was utterly, utterly insane. In all of the best possible ways. DJing at the Wendyhouse 10th Birthday last night provided me with one of the biggest buzzes of my life, and nearly floored me in the process, as many of you who saw me inbetween DJ sets will attest. The metal room seemed […]
.Sideshow Symphonies last night was interesting. Everything was running rather late, so I got home later than I would have liked, but with me having pretty much free reign to play what I wanted, I decided to go in a particular direction…
Probably one of my favourite DJ sets ever, this was the Jim Henson Judder. So everyone dressed as Muppets. And Fraggles.
A second August visit to SyN.
The last of the short-lived Resonance night. While the two live events were a success, the night itself never paid for itself, and indeed it was made moot by the closure of thesubculture later that year. We did, however, have an incredible poster done for us by Doctor Geof, and it was eventually turned into […]
Monday meant the second instalment of Resonance Live. For a gig that in hindsight perhaps was somewhat under-promoted, and at the tail-end of two hefty festival weekens (not to mention on a Monday night), the turnout was perhaps better than I was expecting. Still, a shame that a number of people left before CDatakill hit […]
Resonance last night wasn’t too bad. Numbers could again be better, but it was up on last month, and with the flyers now everywhere online and across Leeds, I’d think that next month should certainly be better. Don’t forget also the second instalment of Resonance Live on 07-May. Anyway, thanks to all that came down.
Turnout was pitiful, but as discussed at the time we were the victims of a number of factors – not least the atrocious weather, as well as something of an event-pileup over the course of the week. Ho hum, you win some you lose some.
Modulate made their live debut, and I was asked to DJ the night.
Resonance was busier than last month, and seemed to work far better – thanks to all that came down and continue to offer their support. Some interesting prospects for future events, too.
Something of an odd one, yesterday. Resonance moved to it’s new time (third Saturday, 1900-2200), and immediately had a far better turnout, although musically it will take a little time to settle. Still, good fun though, and thanks to all those that made it down.
Redshift last night was an interesting experience. The turnout wasn’t bad – a good mix of leedsgoths and further afield, with a few “normals” mixed in that appeared to look somewhat uneasy. DJing was a little tough in trying to find a happy medium to please everyone, but at least with my set I think […]
I think following last night, we can declare resonance live something of a success. Thanks loads to all five bands and the various people who helped out, and of course the mighty Sarah Orange – you are all stars. Great to see everyone for the short times that I had chance to, too.
Resonance was again, frustratingly, not particularly busy. Still, we had damned good fun, including scaring a few latecomers who clearly thought the music policy was something else. Anyway, thanks as always to those that did make it down.
Ok, so the second outing of Resonance was not particularly busy at all. Ho hum. Discussion through the evening suggested various reasons for this – many of which were some distance from our control. Anyway, thanks to those that did make it down. I should note, though – online support for a night will only […]
Despite it not going quite as well as I might have liked, it was good fun and an encouraging start, although it would be nice to see more faces next month, hmm? Thanks to all that did come down, though – and also thanks to Keef Baker, whose DJ sets last night were really quite […]