/Transmission/017/the a-z of industrial/l/part two
Life has very much got in the way of late, but we’re back! This week we continue on the letter “l”, with an interesting mix of new and old artists.
Life has very much got in the way of late, but we’re back! This week we continue on the letter “l”, with an interesting mix of new and old artists.
Back to the usual routine of weekly Friday posts, containing new music or events to consider. This is the usual amodelofcontrol.com round-up, of new music coming your way this week and soon, as well as a look at the events and gigs in the future, and finally nods to any other notable news that affects […]
It’s time for what is likely to be the last Tuesday Ten of 2019 – although I might do one more just before Christmas, as I have A Plan – before I get started on wrapping up 2019 next week. As usual /Countdown/2019 will be posted over four Tuesdays, covering compilations/reissues, the best tracks, the […]
Back to the usual routine of weekly Friday posts, containing new music or events to consider. This is the usual amodelofcontrol.com round-up, of new music coming your way this week and soon, as well as a look at the events and gigs in the future, and finally nods to any other notable news that affects […]
For the last couple of years, one Saturday around this time of year has seen me head to Electrowerkz for the latest London edition of the BEAT:CANCER shows – and indeed take photos of the bands, and write about them too.
Over the past month or so, I’ve driven more than I have in the past few years. I’ve had the company of my wife, our music and the drone of the car engine for more hours than I can count, and at some point – I’ve had a lot of time to think – it […]
The seemingly inexhaustible jukebox that is my brain has a regular supply of new music added to it, by account of my voracious appetite for new songs and new artists to excite me. But amid the constant playlist updates are some releases that have been there for what seems like forever.
Back to the usual routine of weekly Friday posts, containing new music or events to consider. This is the usual amodelofcontrol.com round-up, of new music coming your way this week and soon, as well as a look at the events and gigs in the future, and finally nods to any other notable news that affects […]
As what has been an exceptionally trying month comes to a close, I’m finishing off October with what may well be the last /Tracks of the Month round-up of 2019 – this time next month I’ll be beginning the usual end-of-year-coverage on /Countdown/2019, and I’ve still got quite a bit of thinking to do around […]
Back to the usual routine of weekly Friday posts, containing new music or events to consider. This is the usual amodelofcontrol.com round-up, of new music coming your way this week and soon, as well as a look at the events and gigs in the future, and finally nods to any other notable news that affects […]
In a year that has already been a tough one for so many reasons, the loss of my father-in-law just recently has hit us hard. It wasn’t exactly unexpected, but the circumstances of it meant that things happened very fast. My wife did get to him in time and spent the last hours with him, […]
Back to the usual routine of weekly Friday posts, containing new music or events to consider. This is the usual amodelofcontrol.com round-up, of new music coming your way this week and soon, as well as a look at the events and gigs in the future, and finally nods to any other notable news that affects […]
If like me, you’ve been despairing of politics of late, it won’t have escaped your notice that most right-wing leaders appear consumed by their own self, in extreme forms of hubris and arrogance. We have an American President that appears to believe he is above the law, and not far off the same with the […]
A fifth time DJing for the GVWI Hallowe’en party, even if it was a bit earlier than usual this year (damn those calendar clashes, eh?), and on an awful, wet night. Still, it was a lot of fun.
Back after an unexpected week away – so let’s look at things to distract us, either by way of new music or events to consider. This is the usual amodelofcontrol.com round-up, of new music coming your way this week and soon, as well as a look at the events and gigs in the future, and […]
We’re nearing the end of the year, which means that I’ve only one, or maybe two, /Tracks of the Month roundups left after this in 2019 (I should clarify – because of the way release schedules work and the way that I write, my end of year lists appear on successive Tuesdays in early December […]
We are very much in the time of new bands, new styles, and a distinct dearth of live venues in London. This has resulted in a few things: gigs that sell out quickly as there aren’t the available venues to upgrade to, venues we’ve not been to in a while as promoters appear to be […]
Friday, the end of another week – so let’s look at things to distract us, either by way of new music or events to consider. This is the usual amodelofcontrol.com round-up, of new music coming your way this week and soon, as well as a look at the events and gigs in the future, and […]
My association with KMFDM goes way back into the nineties. I own most if not all of their albums in one form or another, I’ve seen them live five or six times, and I still listen to them regularly. Sure, they’ve had occasional periods where they’ve not matched some of the heights they’d set themselves […]
Given names pop up an awful lot in popular music. They provide subjects of songs, refer to current or past loves, refer to normal or famous people, or have another use entirely – in Slint’s case, their debut album Tweez has song-titles of various family members of the band – oh, and a dog – […]