/Countdown/2010s/Albums /80-61
Continuing the process of wrapping up the last decade before it disappears too far into the rearview mirror, this is the second part of the best albums of the 2010s.
Continuing the process of wrapping up the last decade before it disappears too far into the rearview mirror, this is the second part of the best albums of the 2010s.
In this period of enforced downtime – I last saw a gig on 05-Mar (Marika Hackman), and frankly who knows when I’m next going to get to go to one – I’m using the time to catch up on various amounts of writing for this site, and also get on with trying to make some […]
The advent of the COVID-19 effective lockdown has left many of us in a quandary. How do you keep fit when you should be avoiding leaving the house as much as possible? The Government has advice on this, of course, and when we take a walk locally each day, we are seeing an awful lot […]
The additional downtime at the moment has had one or two benefits for me – more of a chance to get my head down and get a few outstanding posts completed. I’m painfully aware that aside from regular /Tuesday Ten posts (and /Tuesday Ten/402 will follow tomorrow), I’ve not been posting as much as I’d […]
It feels weird posting this, but I need to keep going. There are loads of new releases, and still there is new music coming through, and buying music right now is the only way we can help. The events listing is still being updated, but obviously, an awful lot is being postponed, cancelled or changed […]
As a number of people in comment and meme form have joked this past week or two, this isn’t the dystopian future we were promised. But it’s the one we’ve got, and it is remarkable how certain outlooks have changed. Certain political policies that were ridiculed just three months ago have become instantly popular – […]
It feels weird posting this, but I need to keep going. There are loads of new releases, and still new music coming through, and buying music right now is the only way we can help. The events listing is still being updated, but obviously an awful lot is being postponed, cancelled or changed right now.
Things feel weird right now, so it maybe feels out of step to be celebrating anything. But while we begin to start isolating away to reduce the spread of this virus, one thing I can do is keep writing. So maybe this period might increase my writing output, we shall see. But the /Tuesday Ten […]
As I mentioned last week on /Tuesday Ten/398, I went to see Nadine Shah at the end of February, and the support band were the hugely entertaining Melt Yourself Down, whose new single is the excellent Crocodile. As is often the way, a song triggered a thought about other reptilian songs.
A welcome to the many new readers of this page. This is the weekly Friday post, of new music coming your way this week and soon, as well as a look at the events and gigs in the future, and finally nods to any other notable news that affects artists and music that I cover […]
As I noted recently in my chat with the promoter on /Talk Show Host/058, Chaos Theory Music have reached their tenth anniversary by being a fearlessly uncompromising promoter, doing things in different ways and indeed bringing diverse, interesting music to an increasingly open-minded crowd. Which meant that their tenth-anniversary celebration at The Dome and Boston […]
After the glut last month, I’ve brought this back to a more manageable ten songs again, but there were certainly a lot of tracks to get my attention this month (and some of them will be featured on other posts anyway, so they aren’t going to miss out). Once again, too, there is quite a […]
We’re continuing our journey through the a-z of industrial with a second look at the letter M.
A welcome to the many new readers of this page. This is the weekly Friday post, of new music coming your way this week and soon, as well as a look at the events and gigs in the future, and finally nods to any other notable news that affects artists and music that I cover […]
If you’ve been reading my work on /amodelofcontrol.com over the past decade or so, you will have seen me talk about Teeth of the Sea an awful lot. They’ve long been one of the most progressive bands in London, not to mention one of the best (and loudest!) live bands in the city too, and […]
I’ve been conscious that lately, I seem to have been covering darker subjects in this series, and I began to wonder, maybe, I should do a more positive post? Right now many friends are striving, working, and hoping for something better in one way or another, so I put out a call for songs that […]
A welcome to the many new readers of this page. This is the weekly Friday post, of new music coming your way this week and soon, as well as a look at the events and gigs in the future, and finally nods to any other notable news that affects artists and music that I cover […]
Sometimes, it feels like my life is simply following a long list of instructions. How to work the various equipment in our homes and offices, how to use transport, how to get somewhere, the recipes we follow. Weather warnings, travel advice, reminders about things to do from friends and partners. How to do our jobs.
A welcome to the many new readers of this page. This is the weekly Friday post, of new music coming your way this week and soon, as well as a look at the events and gigs in the future, and finally nods to any other notable news that affects artists and music that I cover […]
My gigging in 2020 has perhaps started slower than usual – I didn’t see a single show in January – but this might be down to the fact that by all accounts, there wasn’t a lot going on in January in our part of the music world. It was almost as if after a traumatic […]