Tuesday Ten: 039: Tracks of the Month (May 2008)
Where the hell is this year going? We seem to be flying through it. So anyway, here's my monthly rundown of ten tracks that I really like/am listening to lots at the moment.
Now ten years old and counting, my regular series of Tuesday posts takes in new music and sometimes rather random categories.
Where the hell is this year going? We seem to be flying through it. So anyway, here's my monthly rundown of ten tracks that I really like/am listening to lots at the moment.
This week's Tuesday Ten has been "in the works" for a few weeks, as after I had first conceived the idea it took me some time to complete the list. So what is it? It is the idea of my musical heroes. Obviously this is likely to be a contentious list: and those in it […]
Here is my usual run-down of ten tracks that I think are worthy of mention from the past month. Some might note a lack of “metal” in this list: mainly because there is little new stuff that I have heard that has inspired me to write about in any way. So, here goes.
As promised last week, here is the second part of my favourite albums of the 90s. Same rules as before, this time the list takes a more metallic edge, perhaps. These ten are in chronological order, just about, by the way.
A few weeks ago I covered ten of my favourite 80s albums. The 90s were the decade where I seriously got into music, and because of the disparate genres I listen to, there is simply no way that I can narrow this down to ten. So, my favourite albums of the 90s is split into […]
Another month, another quick run-down of my favourite tracks of the past month.
So that can only mean that it’s time for me to do another Tuesday Ten – I haven’t done one in a while. And this week’s is all the fault of Infest, really – and more to the point their announcements last week.
After a few weeks off from writing the Tuesday Ten, it's time for it to return. I canned last week's one after I simply couldn't get it to work properly, so this week I'm on more familiar ground with a roundup of ten of my favourite tracks of the month. So here goes…
A different TT this week, in that it is not exactly about the bands themselves (although they do come into this). Instead, it is my favourite live venues to go and see bands at. I’ve been going to see live bands for over thirteen years now, and I’ve lost count of how many I’ve actually […]
So, the first monthly roundup of 2008 – and with there not having been an equivalent for December, this is perhaps covering a longer period than normal, meaning that tracks I would have liked to include have not made the cut to keep it at ten.
A little bit of a change this week, with a slightly more abstract theme. It was probably the hardest list I have compiled yet, too: and other interpretations on the theme are welcome. So what is the theme? Hate. Hate comes in many different forms, and surprisingly it was a little harder than I was […]
There seems to be a lot of artists at the moment where I seem to have been awaiting new albums from them for an age. So this week's TT is based around the idea of bands we'd like to return with a new album, or "overdue" new albums…
For this week's Tuesday Ten, I'm looking at the idea of bands who have successfully brought together disparate genres into their sound. There are likely many more bands that have done this other than the ones I have come up with (it was a difficult list to create, frankly), and other suggestions are welcome.
A slightly different Tuesday Ten this week – and it will be the last 2007 retrospective. So what is this one? Well, it needs some explanation.
This week's TT is the first of four "end of the year" lists that will come between now and Christmas, one each Tuesday, detailing my best – and worst – of the year.
Many bands change their output over time, often as a concious decision to evolve their sound. Sometimes it is an incremental process, and is often welcomed. Playlists: Spotify Then again, there are then times when a more drastic move in style is greeting with heresy by the fans. I’ve seen some of my favourite bands […]
The first Tuesday of a new month, so time for a look at my ten tracks of the month for October. The usual mix of new stuff that has caught my ear, along with a few older things that I've been listening to again. Anything that you think I should be hearing otherwise would be […]
This week is a companion piece to last week's, really: looking at overplayed dancefloor tracks in goth/industrial clubs. Being a DJ myself, of course, I well appreciate that it isn't always the DJ's fault, and it is endless requests for particular tracks that cause it. Still, some of these tracks I have heard everywhere I […]
Like many others, I while away the odd evening watching some of the music channels on cable. And sometimes, there is even something good on. And a look at the playlist pages may make you weep if you are looking for something different. Kerrang TV‘s playlist has vanished (leaving a blank page – perhaps they […]
This week, it’s time to revisit something I have mentioned in passing elsewhere. In fact, last week I put up a poll about gigs/bands you’d go back in time to see, and the results were fascinating. So to expand it a little, it’s time to look at bands I never did/never have seen live. I […]