/Tuesday Ten/066/Best Live

I’m sure I’ve at least mentioned these in passing before, but I can’t find it (the perils of using titles to posts that don’t actually tell me all that much when searching for things!), so it’s perhaps overdue that I make this into a Tuesday Ten, especially with such an interesting response on Facebook and […]

/Tuesday Ten/063/Robots

After last week saw the end of a lull in my Tuesday Ten postings, I’m hoping this month to actually do one each week. This week’s was inspired by the mention on Popjustice (complete with sample) of Röyksopp‘s forthcoming single The Girl and The Robot, which appears to be something of a rather brilliant pop song, and then there […]


So, for the last part of my run-down of my 2008 musical highlights, here are my top ten gigs of the year. When compiling the list, I realised I haven’t actually been to anywhere near as many gigs as I thought I had been this year. Still, only two (Ladytron and Ministry, since you ask) […]