/Tuesday Ten/401/Isolation

As a number of people in comment and meme form have joked this past week or two, this isn’t the dystopian future we were promised. But it’s the one we’ve got, and it is remarkable how certain outlooks have changed. Certain political policies that were ridiculed just three months ago have become instantly popular – […]

/Tuesday Ten/400/Hundreds

Things feel weird right now, so it maybe feels out of step to be celebrating anything. But while we begin to start isolating away to reduce the spread of this virus, one thing I can do is keep writing. So maybe this period might increase my writing output, we shall see. But the /Tuesday Ten […]

/Tuesday Ten/393/Unbearable

Sometimes, an idle question online will inspire something quickly, much as happened this week. Hearing just one song while driving in the car – as it happens, a song that wasn’t featured in the final ten in the end (Terrovision’s Discotheque Wreck) – got me wondering about songs that deal with objectionable, or unpleasant people.