/Transmission/024/the a-z of industrial/p/part one
We’re continuing our journey through the a-z of industrial with a first look at the letter P. Needless to say this was recorded during the ongoing lockdown…
We’re continuing our journey through the a-z of industrial with a first look at the letter P. Needless to say this was recorded during the ongoing lockdown…
This year really has felt, in some ways, like the world has run out of luck. A pandemic, a succession of hapless, right-wing Governments manipulating just about everything in their favour, and the general feeling that it is going to be a long route out of this.
We keep going amid the lockdown. There are new releases, and still, new music coming through, and buying music right now is the only way we can help. The events listing is still being updated, but obviously, an awful lot is being postponed, cancelled or changed right now.
The current lockdown has stopped the entertainment industry – at least in terms of physical venues – dead in its tracks, but I guess one of the benefits of the internet age is that we can do things online instead. So, after years of considering whether to bring Stormblast back in one form or another […]
Another month of this most strange year done with, then, with no real end in sight to at least partial lockdown, and certainly no chance of live music or clubbing to any normal degree this year either (notwithstanding some of the enterprising experiments in new ways of dealing with that at the moment. Thus, I […]
We keep going amid the lockdown. There are new releases, and still, new music coming through, and buying music right now is the only way we can help. The events listing is still being updated, but obviously, an awful lot is being postponed, cancelled or changed right now.
The current lockdown has stopped the entertainment industry – at least in terms of physical venues – dead in its tracks, but I guess one of the benefits of the internet age is that we can do things online instead. This has allowed me to experiment a bit
The other Saturday, I ended up heavily involved in Stay-In-Fest. As well as DJing an early afternoon set that seemed to go down well (setlist: /DJ/Guest/098), four online/video interviews that I’d conducted with different artists over the previous couple of weeks were broadcast.
This week, I’m picking up on a recent suggestion thread that really got me thinking, as the very idea of secrets in song seems like an oxymoron. After all, if you reveal a secret in a song that then goes on to sell millions, that’s hardly a secret then, is it? /Tuesday Ten/427/Secret /Tuesday Ten/Playlists […]
The current lockdown has stopped the entertainment industry – at least in terms of physical venues – dead in its tracks, but I guess one of the benefits of the internet age is that we can do things online instead. Thus, after some years of talking about it – and struggling to find a venue […]
We keep going amid the lockdown. There are new releases, and still, new music coming through, and buying music right now is the only way we can help. The events listing is still being updated, but obviously, an awful lot is being postponed, cancelled or changed right now.
The current lockdown has stopped the entertainment industry – at least in terms of physical venues – dead in its tracks, but I guess one of the benefits of the internet age is that we can do things online instead. So, after years of considering whether to bring Stormblast back in one form or another […]
The other Saturday, I ended up heavily involved in Stay-In-Fest. As well as DJing an early afternoon set that seemed to go down well (setlist: /DJ/Guest/098), four online/video interviews that I’d conducted with different artists over a previous couple of weeks were broadcast.
Last Friday was the nineteenth anniversary of the September 11th (or 9/11) attacks, four near-simultaneous aircraft hijackings by terrorists in the US that resulted in an enormous loss of life, and has since stood as a marker of our age, and that has influenced US foreign and domestic policy ever since.
We keep going amid the lockdown. There are new releases, and still, new music coming through, and buying music right now is the only way we can help. The events listing is still being updated, but obviously, an awful lot is being postponed, cancelled or changed right now.
The other Saturday, I ended up heavily involved in Stay-In-Fest. As well as DJing an early afternoon set that seemed to go down well (setlist: /DJ/Guest/098), four online/video interviews that I’d conducted with different artists over a previous couple of weeks were broadcast.
I gave up smoking in around 2001 – having been a smoker through my teens and through University, only giving up when my girlfriend at the time insisted I did so. I went through periods of being a heavy smoker, particularly at stressful points during my Uni years, but somehow managed to give up without […]
Last Saturday, I ended up heavily involved in Stay-In-Fest. As well as DJing an early afternoon set that seemed to go down well (setlist: /DJ/Guest/098), four online/video interviews that I’d conducted with different artists over the previous couple of weeks were broadcast.
We keep going amid the lockdown. There are new releases, and still, new music coming through, and buying music right now is the only way we can help. The events listing is still being updated, but obviously, an awful lot is being postponed, cancelled or changed right now.
The current lockdown has stopped the entertainment industry – at least in terms of physical venues – dead in its tracks, but I guess one of the benefits of the internet age is that we can do things online instead. So, after years of considering whether to bring Stormblast back in one form or another […]