Tuesday Ten: 019: Tracks of the Month (September 2007)
Another month – so it's time again for my tracks of the month.
Now ten years old and counting, my regular series of Tuesday posts takes in new music and sometimes rather random categories.
Another month – so it's time again for my tracks of the month.
It's time to delve into what is now some of the outer reaches of my music collection for this week's TT. Indeed, into a genre that I rarely buy anything from anymore – indie bands. And this one is in a slightly different format to usual, too – click on the Key Tracks links to […]
Often part of the appeal of a particular song is the music video – a medium that has now been evolving in ever more complicated ways for over thirty years. Often, though, it isn’t always the really technically advanced – and expensive – videos that are the best. Sometimes all it takes is some lateral […]
So, the start of a new month, so it's time for my monthly run-down of tracks that I really like right now, and obviously it has something of an Infest bias for some of it…
We are finally in the week preceding Infest, so it is perhaps only right for an Infest-based Tuesday Ten. Not just ten artists, though – this is something of a ramble of the good and the bad from my seven Infests so far – I haven’t mentioned all of the bands over that time, but […]
This week's TT is inspired by a number of things, but triggered mainly in the most recent-sense by Carl's question the other day, and what I have noticed as a DJ in the EBM/industrial scene. So what is the list about? Dancefloor fillers. Not just any old dancefloor fillers, but the ones that are truly […]
My girlfriend reckons I have done this a week early, but I doing this now anyway. So, here are the ten tracks that I want to ramble about for the past month…
So, this week's Tuesday Ten. It's kinda ended up as a Tuesday Twenty, in fact. Let me explain…After the apparent controversy of a negative list last week, it's time for something rather more positive. So what did I settle on? Well, I recently passed three years of having tcf in Sheffield (at the same venue […]
A rather different Tuesday Ten this week – rather than things I like, it is bands I dislike. Intensely. And the reasons why. Feel free to argue with me, and tell me why you love the bands I hate, and why I am wrong, but you won't change my mind. I would be far more […]
I've probably done this before, but a long while back, and I'm pretty sure not as part of the TT. So, here are ten (more) cover versions worthy of attention of some sort. When done well, I love the idea of the cover version. They sometimes help to open your eyes to a song you […]
A new month, so it’s time for my usual rundown of 10 tracks that I think everyone else should hear. A real mix of genres this month, as well.
This week I'm going to turn my attention once again to the recent past. To look at bands that for one reason or another are "forgotten", or have "dropped off the radar". Either they are now little more than a footnote in musical history, or they never got the recognition they deserved, or they used […]
This week's Tuesday Ten is inspired by our encounters with our rather noisy neighbours over the past twelve months, and indeed is also partly inspired today by my really shitty mood. They appear to be in the process of moving out, at long last, happily – or at least we haven't heard a peep from […]
My predilection for music lists at the moment may be coming across all a bit High Fidelity, but it is in the main me rummaging through the boxes of musical history in my mind – that and I am finding it quite a lot of fun hunting through the archives of YouTube. In addition, of […]
Another new month, so time for a rundown of my favourite tracks of the past month. I’m on the lookout for new things right now, stuff I may not have heard. Doesn’t matter what it is, send me links!
So here we are into another month (May already, wtf?), and so it’s time for my now semi-monthly rundown of tracks that I love right now.
For some reason, the humble remix has popped up in both conversations and in my listening an awful lot recently. And, of course, it got me thinking the other day. What makes a good remix? Is it simply to provide yet more dancefloor fodder, or to make a song a hit, or to take a […]
I'm not sure what got me thinking about this, it must have been listening to something when I got home last night. But in a quiet hour I started on a list of albums that inspired me, got me interested in something new, triggered something…hopefully you know what I mean. So here it is. I'd […]
[Note: This is where my Tuesday Ten series started, almost exactly seven years ago. I’d done the occasional musical round-up prior to this, under the Tuesday Ten name, but this is where it became a regular series, and where the numbering of the posts started, too.