Welcome to the Future: 004: Exclusive: Listen to Atonalist – Atonalism
Thanks to the kind folks at audiotrauma, you can get an exclusive listen today to the quite great new album from Atonalist.
Exclusive new releases, upcoming events worth discussing, the new music for the coming year, they will feature here.
The title of this section comes from a track by Left Spine Down on their remix/other stuff compilation Voltage 2.3: Remixed and Revisited.
Thanks to the kind folks at audiotrauma, you can get an exclusive listen today to the quite great new album from Atonalist.
2017 on amodelofcontrol.com begins with a look at what’s to come in the realm of music that I cover.
I’ve done this for a good many years now, and 2016 will be no exception – a round-up of confirmed and potential releases relevant to amodelofcontrol.com and it’s readers. This is by no means an exhaustive list, and some may not be announced yet. Indeed, some of those announced already may change, or those that […]
An exclusive for amodelofcontrol.com – Randolph & Mortimer's brand new video, created by Meat Cassette.