/Tuesday Ten/427/Secret

This week, I’m picking up on a recent suggestion thread that really got me thinking, as the very idea of secrets in song seems like an oxymoron. After all, if you reveal a secret in a song that then goes on to sell millions, that’s hardly a secret then, is it? /Tuesday Ten/427/Secret /Tuesday Ten/Playlists […]

/Tuesday Ten/400/Hundreds

Things feel weird right now, so it maybe feels out of step to be celebrating anything. But while we begin to start isolating away to reduce the spread of this virus, one thing I can do is keep writing. So maybe this period might increase my writing output, we shall see. But the /Tuesday Ten […]

/Tuesday Ten/066/Best Live

I’m sure I’ve at least mentioned these in passing before, but I can’t find it (the perils of using titles to posts that don’t actually tell me all that much when searching for things!), so it’s perhaps overdue that I make this into a Tuesday Ten, especially with such an interesting response on Facebook and […]