/Tuesday Ten /575 /We Are Family
Around Valentine’s Day, I’ve occasionally looked at vaguely relevant (or downright inappropriate!) themes for /Tuesday Tens in the eighteen years since the series began, and this year is no different.
Around Valentine’s Day, I’ve occasionally looked at vaguely relevant (or downright inappropriate!) themes for /Tuesday Tens in the eighteen years since the series began, and this year is no different.
Everything has changed in recent years. Many of us have moved from where we were (particularly those of us in London), our outlook on life might have changed, friends have got married, others having children, others still making other drastic changes to their lives.
Just over three years since I last did this – and six years since the first time – I’ve delved back into the seemingly infinite well of songs about or involving repetition for a third go at it.
Last year, my friend Shreena offered two subject suggestions for future /Tuesday Tens, and while I asked for songs for both around then, I only ever posted one of them.
Despite being someone that is part of the wider dark subculture, I love the coming of the light that is Spring. The longer days, the warmer temperatures, and the ability to get outdoors more.
Digging back into my “to-do list” of /Tuesday Ten posts (I still have quite a few of those) was the order of the day again this week, mainly as I didn’t really want to continue with yet more lockdown-themed posts (unless I can come up with another one worthy of the time spent on it). […]
Last week, I looked at Leaders. Following on from that this week, I’m looking at Losing – as with poor leaders, you get losers, and like last week’s post, this has been sitting on the back burner for some considerable time. Next week will be songs about Winning.
The mundane doesn’t have to be uninteresting – or indeed fun. Sometimes the smallest things can spark a joyous reaction (yes, even decluttering, apparently), and it might be a minor event in the midst of a humdrum day, but that one event might keep you going through the rest of it.