DJ: Guest: 035: Autonomy – 02-May 2009
The night as a whole took us by surprise last night in being considerably busier than expected. A tough crowd, too, who were difficult to please, even with the “obvious” stuff.
The night as a whole took us by surprise last night in being considerably busier than expected. A tough crowd, too, who were difficult to please, even with the “obvious” stuff.
Anyway, last night was my first attendance at a gig at Corporation in some time, for IAMX supported by KIK. After meeting up with friends in a nearby pub, we headed down late enough, so we thought, to be able to avoid support act KIK, who I’ve seen a fair few times before and wasn’t […]
With it being Easter this weekend, I thought it perhaps apt that I turn to the subject of religion for this week’s TT. Although not unexpected, perhaps, with the music that I listen to, it proved somewhat difficult to find that many songs that cast religion in a positive light. Still, I did find the […]
Arriving late is something of an unfortunate habit, but it doesn’t make too much different if the gig is running somewhat late anyway. But with the delays and then the waiting-an-age-at-the-bar-for-ridiculously-priced-drinks (some things never change, I see), I didn’t get any chance to catch much of Revolution by Night.
Only just got this collated in time, but it's time for my usual ten tracks of the past month. Lots of new stuff to cover, so let's get on with it.
God, that was a long weekend, short on sleep, long on travelling and fun.
I’m sure I’ve at least mentioned these in passing before, but I can’t find it (the perils of using titles to posts that don’t actually tell me all that much when searching for things!), so it’s perhaps overdue that I make this into a Tuesday Ten, especially with such an interesting response on Facebook and […]
This was a late decision to do a Tuesday Ten this week, and it ended up being a list I had far too many suggestions for – again.
As I said last week, I have suddenly had a short flush of inspiration for these Tuesday Tens at the moment. This one has taken me weeks to collate, gave me lots of ideas, and perhaps even more music to re-evaluate. This week it's about debut albums, and in particular ones I really like or […]
After last week saw the end of a lull in my Tuesday Ten postings, I’m hoping this month to actually do one each week. This week’s was inspired by the mention on Popjustice (complete with sample) of Röyksopp‘s forthcoming single The Girl and The Robot, which appears to be something of a rather brilliant pop song, and then there […]
The night itself was very busy indeed, with healthy dancefloors for much of the night and a good mix of music.
A new month, so back to the usual monthly round-up of the tracks I love right now.
Incredibly, nearly two whole months into 2009 and last night was the first gig of the year that I have attended. I’m slacking! Anyway, last night was a trip to the Fuzz Club 10th birthday celebrations, for 65daysofstatic‘s first headlining gig in their home town of Sheffield in some time.
Comedians have always influenced music in various ways, but no-one seems to have been sampled, remixed or simply been such an inspiration to various musicians like Bill Hicks – well, with the exception of Lenny Bruce, perhaps.
Last night was immense fun, my set at Autonomy appears to have gone down very well (even though I’m not totally happy with what I played, I pretty much kept a good dancefloor for much of it), and roll on next time.
Moved from Tuesday for this week only, and with good reason – thanks to the original light-hearted suggestion by music blogger Erich Keller, it's Blastbeat Celebration Day today. This got coverage even in the Guardian, and it's probably no coincidence that the new issue of Terrorizer – who were the ones who originally championed Keller's […]
Over the past few years, the idea of “Harsh” EBM has been a popular route to take for many acts. Usually heavy of beat, with hissing vocals (the most effective often being in Spanish), sweeping, prominent synth lines and stuffed full of samples, the big problem of late is that the genre has descended into […]
Barely any time seems to have passed since the last album, but with a change of label to Tympanik maybe moving on quickly was the best way. Either way, with an apparently growing fanbase and lots of positive press, another album as good as the previous two would hardly be a bad thing.
A bit later than normal, but here are my "tracks of the month" for this month. The next one of these will now be at the start of March.
For perhaps the first year in a while, 2008 was very much about new music for me at least. Or, put another away, new musical discoveries. Some of these artists were new, some of them were not, and others I had totally missed along the way – and various people have prompted me to give […]