/Welcome to the Future /277 /Events, Livestreams and New Releases 20-Sep 2024

A lot to catch up on for September so far.

This post is a roundup of (relevant to this site) new and upcoming music, a nod to upcoming events and livestreams both from this website and others, and also a catchup of what I’ve posted recently. Thanks to everyone who sends me new music and events, keeps me up to speed, and indeed simply reads these posts.

/Welcome to the Future /277

/Events, Livestreams and New Releases 20-Sep 2024
/Previous /276/30-Aug /275/26-Jul /274/28-Jun

/transmission – the amodelofcontrol.com podcast – has returned, continuing the run through of the a-z of industrial, with all episodes thus far are here. The latest episode is /transmission/024, which starts on the letter P. /transmission/025 will follow soon – at last!

You can also get it via RSS, on iTunes, on Stitcher, and is also now available on the Google Podcasts App (search “amodelofcontrol”) and Spotify too.

If you want to submit anything to be included here? E-mail me (You know what to do with that to make it work, right?), comment/message on Facebook at the amodelofcontrol.com page, and over on Twitter (@amodelofcontrol).


/Releases out today or recently

/Albums of the Week

13-Sep 2024 / The Jesus Lizard / Rack / Bandcamp
For their first album in twenty-six years, The Jesus Lizard’s noisy rock is a match for their early nineties mastery, and frankly has no business being this good.
20-Sep 2024 / Haujobb / The Machine In The Ghost / Bandcamp
Also back after a long time – although just nine years since their last album – Haujobb’s otherworldly take on industrial is familiar yet new all over again.

/New Albums

01-Sep 2024 / Run Level Zero / A Strange New Pain / Bandcamp
The Swedish industrialists return.
06-Sep 2024 / Fat Dog / WOOF / Bandcamp
21st Century Greebo? Well at least in part…
06-Sep 2024 / Mercury Rev / Born Horses / Bandcamp
The first new Mercury Rev album of new material in a decade or so is a frankly baffling release.
13-Sep 2024 / Bill Leeb / Model Kollapse / Bandcamp
Bill Leeb goes solo, and is probably the best FLA-derived album in some time.
13-Sep 2024 / Delilah Bon / Evil, Hate Filled Female / Streaming Links
Seething, feminist hip-hop/rock with a sense of humour and great songs.
13-Sep 2024 / Sacred Skin / Born In Fire / Bandcamp
The second album from this band sees them develop their sound, with the dark outline enhanced by fantastic songwriting.
13-Sep 2024 / Tindersticks / Soft Tissue / Bandcamp
Nottingham’s purveyors of songs for the lost and lovelorn continue their lovely explorations into gentle, soulful music.
13-Sep 2024 / TR/ST / Performance / Bandcamp
The latest release from Robert Alfons and his solo electronic project.
Another project from Efrim Menuck and collaborators from other Montreal bands.
20-Sep 2024 / genCAB / III I II (THIRD EYE GEMINI) / Bandcamp
genCAB continues their reworking and retooling of past work for the modern age.
20-Sep 2024 / LICE / Third Time At The Beach / Bandcamp
The latest album from another of the Bristol experimental bands, LICE.

/New Singles/EPs

02-Sep 2024 / SØLVE / BLEAK HEARTS BURN / Bandcamp
Brant Showers takes a heavier approach that suits his sound well.
02-Sep 2024 / The Scary Skull of Hot Vampires / My Blood Bleeds / Bandcamp
A throwaway track poking fun at 90s Goth by Keef Baker and friends that is as good as some of source material…
06-Sep 2024 / HEELA / Fuck You Meow/ Bandcamp
Collide and Android Lust team up for a searing track that tears down right wing views on women’s rights and personal freedoms.
06-Sep 2024 / Witch of the Vale / 100 Ways to Leave / Bandcamp
Witch of the Vale return with a downbeat, pitch-dark new EP.
11-Sep 2024 / Number5tation / IXXI / Bandcamp
Hot on the heels of the last release, this Folkestone Black (Metal) Industrial artist is already releasing more.
13-Sep 2024 / Motor!k / 5 / Bandcamp
The Belgian kosmische project back with another EP.

/New Compilations, Live Albums, Reissues

16-Sep 2024 / Solitary Experiments / The 30th Anniversary Compilation / Bandcamp
The German electro-industrial veterans mark their 30th anniversary with a sprawling remix compilation of many of their best-loved songs.

/Upcoming Releases

/Upcoming Albums

04-Oct 2024 / Warm Gadget / Sorrows / Bandcamp
Intriguing, genre-bending industrial rock.
25-Oct 2024 / Gavin Friday / Ecce Homo / Official Artist Store
The Irish legend returns with his first new material in over a decade.
25-Oct 2024 / Underworld / Strawberry Hotel / Official Artist Store
The singles suggested a new album was coming, and here it is…
08-Nov 2024 / SÓLSTAFIR / Hin helga kvöl / Official Label Store
The Icelandic metallers continue to expand their sound.
08-Nov 2024 / The Body / The Crying Out of Things / Bandcamp
Finally doing something for themselves again, the first track from this suggests we might be in for a brutal ride.
08-Nov 2024 / Tides From Nebula / Instant Rewards / Official Artist Store
The Polish, electronically-tinged post-rock band finally release a new album.
22-Nov 2024 / Kim Deal / Nobody Loves You More / Bandcamp
Kim Deal’s first solo album looks like it’s going to be a really varied and interesting release.

/Upcoming EPs/Singles

None this week.

/Upcoming Compilations, Live Albums, Reissues

08-Nov 2024 / Buffalo Tom / Birdbrain / Official Label Store
08-Nov 2024 / Buffalo Tom / Let Me Come Over / Official Label Store
08-Nov 2024 / Buffalo Tom / Big Red Letter Day / Official Label Store
Following on from their recent, excellent return Jump Rope, Buffalo Tom’s first three albums are returning on vinyl.
08-Nov 2024 / Refused / The Shape Of Punk To Come (25th Anniversary) / Official Artist Store
Refused appear to be winding down, so why not a sprawling reissue of one of the greatest hardcore albums ever released before they go?
15-Nov 2024 / TV On the Radio / Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes (20th Anniversary Edition) / Bandcamp
The TV on the Radio reactivation turns out to be live shows and a 20th anniversary release for their legendary debut.
22-Nov 2024 / Mesh / The Point at Which It Falls Apart (25th Anniversary Edition) / Bandcamp
Mesh’s brilliant second album gets the anniversary treatment.
01-Dec 2024 / Headswim / Despite Yourself / Official Label Store
Trapped Animal continue their Headswim reissues with a vinyl release of the band’s second album.
13-Dec 2024 / Laibach / Opus Dei Revisited / Bandcamp
Following on from the excellent reissue earlier in the year, Laibach are now revisiting their magnum opus with a new take on it.

/Upcoming/Livestreams/Gigs/Club Nights/Events

/amodelofcontrol.com continues to maintain an events calendar, but it has now moved to /amodelofcontrol.com/events – and is now a dynamic, searchable database, and you can add individual events to your own calendars. The listing has had a revamp and redesign (and I’m re-adding events, so it’s a bit of a work in progress).

If you have updates, relevant events for me, or want to tell me about something else, use the contact details above. It goes without saying that any gig or club still in the listing is subject to change at short notice, or may not happen at all.

/amodelofcontrol.com/next week

Coming up in the next week will be /Tuesday Ten /567.

/amodelofcontrol.com/recent content

/The Last Song I’ll Ever Sing /001 /Room 57
A new series looking at the genesis of classic “scene” songs, starting with Room 57.
/Tuesday Ten /566 /Midlife Crisis
Songs about a midlife crisis.
/Tuesday Ten /565 /Tracks of the Month /Aug-2024
The best tracks of the past month.
/Memory of a Festival /040 /Infest 2024
My roundup and review of every act at Infest 2024, the last (for now) in Bradford.
/Tuesday Ten /564 /To Hell With Good Intentions
Songs about bad ideas.
/Tuesday Ten /563 /Tracks of the Month /Jul-2024
The best tracks of the past month.
/DJ / Guest /106 /Bruise Violet
Almost exactly a year since I last did an in-person DJ set, here’s another one (including Little Daisy Nothing’s first in-person set).
/Tuesday Ten /562 /Everything’s Not Awesome
Songs about things being terrible.
/Tuesday Ten /561 /Bicycle Race
Songs about cycling.
/Tuesday Ten /560 /Tracks of the Month /Jun-2024
The best tracks of the past month.
/Tuesday Ten /559 /I Want to Break Free – Pride Month
Songs about LGBTQIA+ issues by LGBTQIA+ artists, to mark the end of the Pride Month.
/Tuesday Ten /558 /Tracks of the Month /May-2024
The best tracks of the past month.
/Tuesday Ten /557 /…and Justice for All.
Songs about injustice, and fighting for justice.
/Tuesday Ten /556 /Bulldozer – Steve Albini songs
I pay tribute to Steve Albini’s work with a selection of songs he worked on that I loved.
/Tuesday Ten /555 /Repeating Myself
Songs about repetition, for the third time.

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