/Tuesday Ten /539 /I Want To Be Evil
After last week’s songs about being good, here’s the flipside.
Now ten years old and counting, my regular series of Tuesday posts takes in new music and sometimes rather random categories.
After last week’s songs about being good, here’s the flipside.
After a couple of busy months where trying to post weekly was impossible, to complete the rest of this year I’m going to aim for weekly /Tuesday Ten posts. And we start with an appropriate subject.
Being away for the second half of September meant that I had a lot of catching up to do last week, hence this month’s /Tracks of the Month post being a little later than usual. In addition, too, I’m now preparing for the usual end of year posts which will come in December. [cardoza_facebook_like_box] /Tuesday […]
The USA has inspired polarisation of opinion for as long as I can remember from the other side of the Atlantic (and elsewhere), as policy decisions made in the USA often affect the rest of the world – for better or worse.
In theory, Autumn is beckoning as we rush into September, but in reality down here on the coast it’s time for one last gasp of summer as we bask in the sunshine.
This week, I’m turning my attention to stupidity.
This week, I’m returning to a subject I’ve covered before.
Call it a bit of a summer break, but this is the first three-week gap between /Tuesday Ten posts in a long time – life has been busy.
Back to regular programming – and hopefully weekly posts again – as of this week, as July looks like it might be that little bit calmer than June was. But then, I think I said that before…
After a month where I’ve been busy with many things, and less time to write than usual, maybe during July I’ll be back to regular posts.
We were on holiday in Italy last week, and seeing as we were in Rome for part of the week…This week I’m featuring songs that use Latin phrases. The Latin language was, wiki tells me, the dialect used in Latium (the region also known as Lazio, i.e. Rome and the wider region of Italy), before […]
2023 has continued to be a solid year for quality releases, and trying to keep this list down to ten (or this month eleven) is increasingly hard.
Appropriately, this week’s post took a few days to write, as I procrastinated over what to include, and what to write about.
It turns out that lots of artists like making things about themselves. That is, putting your own name, or more to the point your band name, in your song names. And, in same cases, the album as well.
A week later than originally planned, here are this month’s best tracks. [cardoza_facebook_like_box] /Tuesday Ten /525 /Tracks of the Month /Subject /Tracks of the Month /Playlists /Spotify / /YouTube /Related /522/Tracks/Mar-23 /Tuesday Ten/Index /Details /Tracks this week/10 /Tracks on Spotify Playlist/10 /Duration/39:33 A fair number of returning artists this month, too – from industry veterans […]
Those close to me will know all too well just how sweet a tooth I have – I’ve rarely met a sweet thing I don’t like (unless it involves bananas or Parma Violets) – and right now, we’re still getting through our Easter Eggs in this house, so it seemed the right time to look […]
As I’ll go into in a bit more detail later in this post, the Beeching Report was published sixty years ago just recently (at the end of March), one of the most important documents in twentieth-century railway history in the UK.
The sun is out, we’re finally edging into what feels like Spring. And in the meantime, I’ve been busy listening to new music.
After the positive slant of last week, we’re onto the negative now. No: an exclamation, a definitive statement, a determiner, a noun.
Yes. A word that can be affirmation, confirmation, or exclamation.