/Upcoming/Livestreams + Event Calendar

This page will be updated regularly with the next Livestreams being hosted by /amodelofcontrol.com. Until further notice, all will be on /twitch.tv/amodelofcontrol. Click on the below links for Facebook event pages.

Currently there are no planned livestreams on /amodelofcontrol.com.

/amodelofcontrol.com continues to maintain an events calendar, but it has now moved to /amodelofcontrol.com/events – and is now a dynamic, searchable database, and you can add individual events to your own calendars.

If you want to submit anything to be included on it? E-mail me (You know what to do with that to make it work, right?), comment/message on Facebook at the amodelofcontrol.com page, and over on Twitter (@amodelofcontrol).

If you have updated, relevant events for me, or want to tell me about something else, use the contact details above. It goes without saying that any livestream, gig or club still in the listing is subject to change at short notice, or may not happen at all.

One thought on “/Upcoming/Livestreams + Event Calendar

  1. Hey my name is Djbigbrand1 I have a song I will like you to check out I’m an expiremental artist with an urban vibe will like you to check me out

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