/Tuesday Ten/453/End Is A New Start

Now the majority of the moving-in rigmarole is finally done – we have a couple of small side tables to build and that’s about it – not to mention our fibre broadband finally installed and live, I can begin to return to some kind of normality on /amodelofcontrol.com. That should mean a return to weekly […]

/Tuesday Ten/427/Secret

This week, I’m picking up on a recent suggestion thread that really got me thinking, as the very idea of secrets in song seems like an oxymoron. After all, if you reveal a secret in a song that then goes on to sell millions, that’s hardly a secret then, is it? /Tuesday Ten/427/Secret /Tuesday Ten/Playlists […]

/Tuesday Ten/072/Lust

This week was going to be a run-through of songs involving one or more of the seven deadly sins, which many of you may remember me asking about a few weeks back. But finding a selection I was happy with has been very hard indeed, so this week I’m concentrating on just one of the […]