Can [we] Dig It? Hell yeah!
The Poppies last night were fantastic fun. Way better than they were all of 10 years ago when I last saw ’em, and oddly enough for a reformation gig they seemed to be loving every minute of it. A partisan hometown crowd always helps, but if the band aren’t up for it, the gig often suffers. But not here…
…Support act (can anyone remember their name?) were a somewhat nodescript, shambling indie band i’m afraid, of the type I thought we had left behind years back. Obviously not.
The same can’t be said of the Poppies, who are more than welcome to make a comeback like this. Pretty much everything we could have wanted was played, from the opening salvo of Preaching to the Perverted, Wise Up! Sucker and Get The Girl, Kill The Baddies, through a riotus Can U Dig It?, Everything’s Cool and Eat Me Drink Me Love Me Kill Me. First encore was a supercharged run through some of their oldest stuff, including the fabulous Beaver Patrol!
Second encore (as they said themselves, they could have been there all night!) got even better, with Dance of the Mad, Urban Futuristic and the final, breathless Karmadrome…
Couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was that made them sound so good – perhaps the advances in electronics etc over the years have helped, as I always thought that they were kinda ahead of their time perhaps. Either way, fantastic fun for a nostalgia trip, that…