Tuesday Ten: 096: Tracks of the Month (March 2010)
This week: my usual weekly roundup of ten tracks worth hearing.
This week: my usual weekly roundup of ten tracks worth hearing.
Autonomy was reasonably well-attended, as well as the usual suspects. Not the best DJing I’ve ever done – frankly at points it just didn’t work out – but I got it sorted in the end, though, and the reaction to some new stuff played was immensely surprising (in a good way!).
This is, by all accounts, a bloody odd coming-together of minds. I’ve come across Punish Yourself before, an insane French industrial-punk-dayglo soundclash of a band, but not Sonic Area, who appear to be a lot more restrained and experimental on first listen. So, why have they come together? It appears to be related to the […]
I’ve been thinking a lot about death of late. A friend sadly passed away on Sunday night after a long battle with illness, while in the musical world the death of Alex Chilton, frontman of Big Star, last week cast something of a shadow over SXSW – not least because he was due to play […]
Let’s say a recent post by a friend (“ten men I find more attractive than Johnny Depp”) has reminded me to go ahead with this week’s Tuesday Ten, a “possible” TT I’ve had on the backburner for a good three months or so. I can’t remember how it originally came about, but the list began […]
Saturday saw us head to Leicester for the first time in a while, for my return to DJing at Autonomy after a few months away. It was a very long night, but a great one. It was heaving, Skinjob put on a good show, and I think my DJing went ok, even if I had […]
Not having picked up much new music in recent weeks, it has given me a chance at last to try and catch up a little with various promo items and things have that come my way, that I may have missed mentioning at the time or hadn’t got ’round to listening to yet.
A slightly more light-hearted TT this week, one that’s been in the works since the recent Christmas number one, and hearing nothing but cowbell, it seems, in much of the Winter Olympics coverage in the past week or so, made this appropriate. Also, tools exist to add cowbell to any song you like, but today […]
This week is inspired by the usual annual marketing blitz that is Valentines Day, and in particular this article about valentines day compilation albums. So, here are ten songs you are unlikely to hear on such a compilation: all of these songs are about love in one way or another, just maybe not the “conventional” […]
I’ve at least started heading to gigs in 2010 rather earlier than I did last year, and I picked a good one to start with, too: Rammstein at Wembley Arena. I’ve never been to Wembley Arena before, and I’d not heard a lot to recommend it, either, with many stories of atrocious sound. Of course, […]
Time to come clean, first. Despite various people playing previous Lingouf releases to me, I’d never got around to listening to his work of my own accord prior to getting this to review. The website, while a little out of date, helps to give an idea of what you are letting yourself in for – […]
Ok, on to this month’s tracks you should hear. Or, the second of today’s doses – and the first monthly round-up of this decade.
Firstly, further to last week, can I also suggest that following an advert for this seen at the weekend, that there is a seperate circle of hell reserved for it?
Ok, for the return of the Tuesday Ten for 2010, this week is the first of a pair of posts that are companions of sorts. Both of them will be looking at cover versions, but in specific ways. This week, I’m looking at covers where the originals weren’t necessarily bad, but the cover versions are […]
The first DJing I’d done in a couple of months. It was nice to be back behind the ‘decks, and while I played it relatively safe with a broadly “old-school” industrial/etc set, it surprisingly seemed to go down very well indeed (and hearing various drunken squeals during Beers, Steers and Queers brought a huge smile […]
Today’s Tuesday Ten is slightly different to the norm. Mainly because I’ve not been to that many gigs this year, here are five of them worth mentioning.
Ok, so time for my roundup of the best albums of the year.
So, before I rush headlong into my top ten tracks of 2009 (albums next week, gigs the week after), a quick mention of a few acts that have wowed me, bored me, surprised me or otherwise this year. Some of these may be in the other lists, others won’t be.
This month’s ten tracks I think you should hear.
The end: the top twenty at last.