/Tuesday Ten/458/Tracks of the Month/Jun 2021
We’re halfway through the year (already!), and into a new month, thus it is time for another wrap-up of the best new music of the past month on /amodelofcontrol.com.
The best tracks of the past month.
We’re halfway through the year (already!), and into a new month, thus it is time for another wrap-up of the best new music of the past month on /amodelofcontrol.com.
The sun is back, we’ve basked in glorious weather the entire Bank Holiday weekend (a miracle in itself), and we’re already into June. This means another wrap-up of the best new music of the past month on /amodelofcontrol.com.
Into the fifteenth year of /Tracks of the Month posts, then, and this post has been written mostly during a quieter weekend, after a week that has seen a blizzard of unpacking as we settle into our new house on the Kent coast. One thing still not sorted, mind, is our internet – currently working […]
For a variety of reasons, this past month has been an almighty slog, and last week I took a Tuesday off from the /Tuesday Ten series for the first time in well over a year (it always takes a scheduled break for the end of year /Countdown series in December, as well as over Christmas, […]
Gosh, this year is flashing by somewhat – we’re into March already? Still, at least that means we might be edging closer to something resembling more like normality in the coming months, but in the meantime, I’m continuing my weekly /Tuesday Ten posts, and this week I’m looking again at the best music of the […]
One month, then, of what is likely to be a difficult year for many of us, is out of the way. At least here in the Northern Hemisphere, the days start to get longer, it might stop raining quite so much, it even might get a bit warmer.
My longstanding policy of cutting off my best-of-year considerations at 30-Nov each year does, admittedly, leave me in the position of potentially missing out on important releases in December. But, I have to cut-off somewhere, and stopping at the end of November at least gives me a chance to write my end-of-year lists (they take […]
Back into a lockdown this week – whatever the Government try and spin, it’s a lockdown again, and it is what it is. There still appears no chance of live music or clubbing to any normal degree this year either (notwithstanding some of the enterprising experiments in new ways of dealing with that at the […]
Another month of this most strange year done with, then, with no real end in sight to at least partial lockdown, and certainly no chance of live music or clubbing to any normal degree this year either (notwithstanding some of the enterprising experiments in new ways of dealing with that at the moment. Thus, I […]
Into September, and back to normal – whatever normal is these days – in the days post-Stay-In-Fest. That online festival was surprisingly great fun, and I stuck around for the whole thing. I DJed early on (my setlist: /DJ/Guest/098), and had a number of interviews with bands broadcast, all of which will be uploaded and […]
Back around to the /Tracks of the Month already, a bit sooner than usual for two reasons – one, last month’s was later than normal because of the way the dates fell, and two, well, you’ll see next week. The usual summer lull – well, in a relative sense – has also allowed me to […]
Into July, the lockdown is easing a bit, but there is still the concern of a resurgence. So we wait it out some more, a long-overdue pledge to help fund the arts sector has been made (although there are still concerns, frankly), so with no live events, there is seemingly ever more music to listen […]
This post was held over from yesterday, as /amodelofcontrol.com observed #theshowmustbepaused (and made a few small contributions to help to try and make a better future). The world might be going to hell in about a million different ways, but I’m still writing. It is my outlet right now, a way of getting a ton […]
The end of the first full calendar month of lockdown – a month where I’ve barely travelled more than 1km beyond the confines of our flat, and have, in musical terms, otherwise been involved in livestreams and listening to an awful lot of music (both from my own collection and online) while spending even more […]
Blimey, even a month is a long time in music, eh? When I wrote /Tuesday Ten/398, there was a gathering storm on the horizon, so to speak, and since then, pretty much everything has ground to a halt unless it happens in your house, or on the internet. But, music is still being released.
After the glut last month, I’ve brought this back to a more manageable ten songs again, but there were certainly a lot of tracks to get my attention this month (and some of them will be featured on other posts anyway, so they aren’t going to miss out). Once again, too, there is quite a […]
The new year has started well for new music. In fact very well, as all kinds of new music has been flying at me from all directions, or so it feels. Which is why this week has more than ten songs – I finally stopped at sixteen – and I suspect that future /Tracks of […]
This first /Tracks of the Month roundup for 2020 is, unwittingly, all about returns. The majority of the artists here are returning after periods away, either having been on hiatus or simply not releasing an album for a considerable period of time. That might suggest that this is a retro-tastic piece, but far from it […]
As what has been an exceptionally trying month comes to a close, I’m finishing off October with what may well be the last /Tracks of the Month round-up of 2019 – this time next month I’ll be beginning the usual end-of-year-coverage on /Countdown/2019, and I’ve still got quite a bit of thinking to do around […]
We’re nearing the end of the year, which means that I’ve only one, or maybe two, /Tracks of the Month roundups left after this in 2019 (I should clarify – because of the way release schedules work and the way that I write, my end of year lists appear on successive Tuesdays in early December […]