/Tuesday Ten /519 /Tracks of the Month /Feb-23
Another month, another bumper crop of new music to celebrate.
Now ten years old and counting, my regular series of Tuesday posts takes in new music and sometimes rather random categories.
Another month, another bumper crop of new music to celebrate.
Once again, I’ve been digging into the suggestion archives this week and picking up on another subject that I asked about aeons ago and never got ’round to using. [cardoza_facebook_like_box] /Tuesday Ten /518 /Power /Subject /Power /Playlists /Spotify / /YouTube /Related /294/Strength to Endure /Tuesday Ten/Index /Assistance /Suggestions/125 /Used Prior/28 /Unique Songs/94 /People Suggesting/53 /Details […]
Last year, my friend Shreena offered two subject suggestions for future /Tuesday Tens, and while I asked for songs for both around then, I only ever posted one of them.
I’ve long been fascinated by a large number of artists that choose not to play by the notion of fame. That is, shy away from the idea of presenting themselves, but instead putting themselves behind a cloak of anonymity, or behind a disguise. There have been a great many artists that have done so, as […]
Back on the usual schedule, here are the best tracks of the first month of 2023.
Content warning: this post contains songs with descriptions of violence and assault – in some cases graphic and unflinching – and indeed discussion of those songs. This week, I turn to songs about violence. We seem to be living in turbulent times that all too often erupt in violence, but what is interesting here is […]
We’ve hurtled into an already chaotic 2023, and the second Tuesday in, it’s time for the first /Tracks of the Month of the new year.
The final /Tuesday Ten of 2022 is, at least in part, about togetherness. Over the last few years, the idea of banding together to help, to achieve and make better has in some quarters at least gained traction again.
Fifty-nine years ago today, US President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dealey Plaza, Dallas. Generally seen as a pivotal moment in the second half of the twentieth century, certainly in the context of American history at least, there have been countless theories around his assassination and also “what might have beens” had he not […]
For much of my life, I’ve lived in the hillier areas of this country. From my early years in the surprisingly hilly Medway Towns, to the West and South Yorkshire hills, even the hills of North London. Even now, on the Kent Coast, if I want to go any appreciable distance from my now home, […]
Back from Whitby, and while I saw a handful of bands (more about those later in the week), today it’s back to the best tracks of the past month.
We’re nearing the end of October, and thus in the week of Devil’s Night and All Hallow’s Eve – or Hallowe’en, of course. So I thought I’d dig into my list of as-yet-unposted subjects to find an appropriate one.
Fancy a brew? The nights are drawing in, it’s getting cooler, and thus hot drinks become the desired thing for many on more occasions. That said, I drink tea regardless of the time of year.
Back to regular /Tuesday Ten postings, then, and this week I’ve moved on to something of an emotional subject: to care or not to care.
Back into the writing saddle, then, as I wrap up the best music of the past month. The write-up of Cold Waves X from Chicago will follow in the next day or two, as it turns out there was an awful lot to say…
By the time you likely read this, I’ll be in the air to Chicago, on my first flights since literally just before the pandemic fully bit hard.
As we edge into September, we’re looking this week at the last tracks from what has been a long, hot summer.
Earworms. My brain is often like a giant jukebox, with a regular parade of earworms playing when I’m not otherwise listening to music, and just recently there’s been a few that have involved whistling at one point or another.
In ten days time, and a couple of years later than originally expected, I will be attending my twentieth Infest. I first went along thanks to the invite from a friend to most of Infest 2000, when I discovered a particular love for In Strict Confidence, and I was so hooked that from then on […]
In a happy coincidence, my /Tuesday Ten series reaches post number 500 on my birthday: and having checked back, I’ve never posted a /Tuesday Ten on my birthday.