/DJ /TheKindaMzkYouLike /036 – 04-Feb 2025
The first show of 2025, as continue with my livestream.
A new Livestream-based night where I delve into the mostly Alternative-90s that wasn’t Britpop, but with bands and songs before-and-since too.
The title comes from a Girls Against Boys track that will get played at least once.
The first show of 2025, as continue with my livestream.
A solo show this time, as continue with my livestream.
After a lengthy break from livestreaming – partly from moving house, partly because we weren’t convinced our internet in our new house was up to the job, and partly because life got in the way… it was great to be back doing this again.
At least for now, this will be the last livestream I do: driven by the fact that we’re moving house, and the new house won’t have robust enough internet for livestreaming for at least a few months. [cardoza_facebook_like_box] /DJ/TheKindaMzkYouLike/033 /Date /07-Feb 2024 /Location /twitch.tv/amodelofcontrol /DJs /DJ:traumahound /Genres /Alternative /90s /Grunge /Noise Rock /Shoegaze /Electronic /Post-Rock […]
It’s that downtime between Christmas and New Year again, we didn’t have a lot else to do, so why not Livestream?
Hurtling towards the end of the year, and over Christmas, we’ll be bringing you /TheKindaMzkYouLike /032 /The Third Indie Disco Special to help while away the time.
Too much music, too little time…
It’s been another busy week this week, but I had the time to fit in another livestream.
Another special this month, as we went all electro..
It’s been another busy week this week, but I had the time to fit in another livestream.
A bit later than I’d originally planned, and this was a livestream with a difference.
It’s a busy week this week, but I had the time to fit in another livestream.
It’s that downtime between Christmas and New Year, we didn’t have a lot else to do, so why not Livestream?
Not quite the last one of the year, as it happens.
Whitby and Hallowe’en around the corner, so time for another Livestream.
A quiet week, most entertainment on TV deferred? Time for another livestream.
Back to provide something to do on a sweltering evening – the hottest day ever recorded in many parts of the UK – and also to mark two years, thereabouts, since /TheKindaMzkYouLike began…
Continuing my less intensive live streaming, both thanks to more things happening “in person”, and pressures of my own life.
Continuing my less intensive live streaming, particularly now I have a new job that is likely to mean quite a bit of travelling.
A tentative return to regular livestreams – and I should add now that there is no intention to return to livestreaming as much as seven or eight times per month. But the return of /TheKindaMzkYouLike was rather the obvious choice.