/Countdown/2010s/Albums /20-01

Continuing the process of wrapping up the last decade before it disappears too far into the rearview mirror, this is the final part of the best albums of the 2010s. This has been an interesting, and memory-laden trip doing this list. I’ve dredged up a few memories, reconnected with a few albums I’d not heard […]

/Tuesday Ten/372/I Ran

The urge to get away is something that has been part of the popular music myth for decades – and probably as long as music has been enjoyed by humanity. It takes many forms, has been used in practically every style of music in one way or another, and has probably made many listeners consider […]


Onto week three of /Countdown/2018 on /amodelofcontrol.com, and this week I’m looking at the best albums of the year. As I’m sure I’ve explained before, I treat the “year” as 01-December to 30-November, to allow me a cut-off point, and to allow this to be done and dusted before Christmas so that I can take […]