/Tuesday Ten /575 /We Are Family
Around Valentine’s Day, I’ve occasionally looked at vaguely relevant (or downright inappropriate!) themes for /Tuesday Tens in the eighteen years since the series began, and this year is no different.
Around Valentine’s Day, I’ve occasionally looked at vaguely relevant (or downright inappropriate!) themes for /Tuesday Tens in the eighteen years since the series began, and this year is no different.
Given names pop up an awful lot in popular music. They provide subjects of songs, refer to current or past loves, refer to normal or famous people, or have another use entirely – in Slint’s case, their debut album Tweez has song-titles of various family members of the band – oh, and a dog – […]
The subject of lies and deception, perhaps not unexpectedly, unleashed a torrent of potential songs for this week – even if I covered Betrayal a few years ago. Indeed there are so many songs that I could have featured that I could probably do a second ten sometime.