/DJ /TheKindaMzkYouLike /020 – 19-Jul 2022
Back to provide something to do on a sweltering evening – the hottest day ever recorded in many parts of the UK – and also to mark two years, thereabouts, since /TheKindaMzkYouLike began…
Back to provide something to do on a sweltering evening – the hottest day ever recorded in many parts of the UK – and also to mark two years, thereabouts, since /TheKindaMzkYouLike began…
It’s been nearly a year since the last /Stormblast, and as I’ve been tentatively returning to the odd livestream of late, I thought it time to dust off this one and do another.
Continuing my less intensive live streaming, both thanks to more things happening “in person”, and pressures of my own life.
After a bit of a break, we decided that we were ready to return to the sticky-floored metal clubs of our youth for another does of /A Certain Shade of Green. [cardoza_facebook_like_box] /DJ/A Certain Shade of Green/004 /Date /18-Feb 2022 /DJs /DJ:traumahound /Kynon /Genres /Alternative /90s /Nu-Metal /Metal /Pop-Punk /Rap Metal /Grunge /Rock /Details /Tracks […]
24-Feb was determined to be International EBM Day a few years back (24/2 – geddit?), and so increasingly, it has become a day where the roots and history of the musical style are celebrated.
The first livestream of 2022 was the return of probably my favourite night to do, but with a difference.
Another one-off return to Livestreaming. It was Hallowe’en, after all.
After taking some time away from livestreaming for a while – I needed the break, as life had got a bit busier otherwise – I felt the urge to return this past week.
At some point back in the weeks before Christmas – and yes, booze might have been involved – as we had an evening watching a Nu-Metal countdown on one of the music channels, we resolved that it might be fun to do a night revolving around that.
The current lockdown has stopped the entertainment industry – at least in terms of physical venues – dead in its tracks, but I guess one of the benefits of the internet age is that we can do things online instead. Thus, after some years of talking about it – and struggling to find a venue […]
The current lockdown has stopped the entertainment industry – at least in terms of physical venues – dead in its tracks, but I guess one of the benefits of the internet age is that we can do things online instead. So, after years of considering whether to bring Stormblast back in one form or another […]
Another friend’s birthday, another fun set. Tech issues nearly scuppered the whole DJing malarkey, but we got there in the end thanks to Simon’s skills….
The first DJing of 2019, and this time it was a rather different audience, so a very different set of songs to usual, perhaps.
The first time DJing in a while last night, where I joined Victoria Fenbane and Deathboy to DJ for my friend Poggs at his 40th birthday celebration. A raucous night that turned out to be a lot of fun to DJ.
In something of a return to DJing (aside from a few private parties recently, this was my first set in eighteen months), I donned my DJ:traumahound hat last night to join Jonny and Nathan at Tragedy >For Us< in Whitechapel, and it was great to be back.
Not all DJ sets go as planned, and this was one of them.
Simon Landmine and I were asked to DJ Karen’s 40th at the weekend, and we had a lot of fun doing so…
Part two of that trip was in a cold and windy Leeds, to mark a return trip to Carpe Noctum…
Part one of a two-day “tour” with back-to-back DJing in Cheltenham and then Leeds, it was first back to Judder for my sixth time DJing with Lee Chaos…
For the third year, I assisted with the GVWI‘s Hallowe’en Party – by being the DJ, along with Andy Ravensable.