/Transmission/012/the a-z of industrial/i/part one
The twelfth part of Transmission, the a-z of industrial. This continues our look at industrial music, and is this week continuing all about bands beginning with “i”.
The twelfth part of Transmission, the a-z of industrial. This continues our look at industrial music, and is this week continuing all about bands beginning with “i”.
In conjunction with my talk at Nine Worlds about music and geekery (Tuesday Ten: 341), I wanted to feature The Gothsicles. But rather than just talk about them, I wanted to find out a bit more about this group and their focus specifically on gaming and industrial music.
For the first time the other Friday, I took /amodelofcontrol.com on the road. Sure, I’ve done a semi-regular podcast for the past year or so (next one before Infest, it was recorded last night), and I present (in smaller rooms, and in front of much smaller audiences) in my day job fairly regularly. But until […]
Another Friday, another round-up. As always this is a look at upcoming releases, relevant music news and upcoming events and gigs worth spending some of your time at. It is by no means an exhaustive list, and I’m always on the lookout for more to include.
In a remarkable coincidence (and really, it is!), Tuesday Ten: 340 this week happened to fall in the week where I reach the landmark age of 40. When I realised this the other week, I decided to ask my regular readers and contributors on Facebook for songs that celebrate…something, anything.
Another Friday, another round-up. As always this is a look at upcoming releases, relevant music news and upcoming events and gigs worth spending some of your time at. It is by no means an exhaustive list, and I’m always on the lookout for more to include.
Another month has gone, and thus time again to wrap up the best music I’ve heard recently – and once again, there is a lot of it. Not quite enough to make it to twenty songs, mind, but more than enough to be considering and discovering.
As we creep out of July and into August, it is usual that my thoughts begin to turn to two things – my birthday, and Infest. And as it happens this year, it is one of two important milestones. I turn 40, and then two weeks or so later, Infest turns 20.
Another Friday, another round-up. As always this is a look at upcoming releases, relevant music news and upcoming events and gigs worth spending some of your time at. It is by no means an exhaustive list, and I’m always on the lookout for more to include.
“Local” bands in London are ten-a-penny, but finding ones I actually like, or want to listen to more than once, or go to see live, are rather rarer. Move into the nominally industrial/rock/metal sphere than I frequent, and the pool of available bands gets ever smaller.
The eleventh part of Transmission, the a-z of industrial. This continues our look at industrial music, and is this week continuing all about bands beginning with “h”.
One of my closest, and oldest, friends comes to visit this weekend. We met by chance amid the chaotic Lost Weekend in 2000, and have remained firm friends ever since – and she was even my Best Person at my Wedding two years ago. We’ve had many great times, had nights of sketchy memories, seen […]
Another Friday, another round-up. As always this is a look at upcoming releases, relevant music news and upcoming events and gigs worth spending some of your time at. It is by no means an exhaustive list, and I’m always on the lookout for more to include.
As we reach into mid-July, here in England we’re currently fighting through the warmest period in some time. Yesterday was apparently the 16th consecutive day with temperatures above 28°C, and frankly, it’s felt like longer than that as London has broiled in the heat.
Another Friday, another round-up. As always this is a look at upcoming releases, relevant music news and upcoming events and gigs worth spending some of your time at. It is by no means an exhaustive list, and I’m always on the lookout for more to include.
Back to the first Tuesday of the Month now, after a really, really busy month that left me without time anyway last week – that and there were a couple of releases that I needed to wait until this week to feature. And to catch up a bit, there are more than ten this month.
Another Friday, another round-up. As always this is a look at upcoming releases, relevant music news and upcoming events and gigs worth spending some of your time at. It is by no means an exhaustive list, and I’m always on the lookout for more to include. This week this is a double dose after having […]
The tenth part of Transmission, the a-z of industrial. This continues our look at industrial music, and is this week continuing all about bands beginning with “g” and “h”.
Another Friday, another round-up. As always this is a look at upcoming releases, relevant music news and upcoming events and gigs worth spending some of your time at. It is by no means an exhaustive list, and I’m always on the lookout for more to include. This week this is a double dose after having […]
For those of you not following football, apologies, but this week I (finally) turned my attention to the beautiful game. I’ve actually covered sport before (100: Now Sports), which coincidentally I posted just before the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, and I featured a handful of football songs, but there are many more to […]