/Carpe Noctum: Chaos Bleak, St Lucifer and the Medea Project
CHAOS BLEAK step up to headline for the first time, having built an ever-growing following over the past few years with their acclaimed live performances and studio output. They take inspiration from the early post-punk sound, before The Sisters became the template.
Special guests ST LUCIFER are a dynamic live electronics-heavy act who definitely aren’t to be missed. #blackmetalgaydisco at its finest!
Crushed in dust, this is where you’ll die. THE MEDEA PROJECT, dark alternative from Nottingham, make their Carpe debut.
All three bands will be playing 45-minute sets.
CARPE NOCTUM is the biggest and longest-running regular goth club in the north of England, and celebrated its 25th anniversary last year. Our resident DJs boast a wealth of experience, with past residencies in Leeds and Bradford, including the legendary Flock club night, under their belts, alongside guest appearances at clubs and festivals throughout the North, including repeat appearances at Goth City Festival, Tomorrow’s Ghosts, and Infest. Weaving sets from a broad palette of dark alternative genres and subgenres, fuelling and fuelled by the dancefloor, their ethos is that the party is all! Expect tracks old and new, bona-fide classics and hidden gems, foot-stompers and lightbulb-changers.
THE LENDING ROOM is Leeds’ finest big small venue! With state-of-the-art lighting, PA and engineers, you can get up-close-and-personal with some of the best acts around today, and still sidle back to the bar in short order. Please note the Lending Room is an upstairs venue with no level access.
18+ only, right of admission reserved.
Bands from around 19:30 till approximately 22:00, with the club night following till 2am.
Admission is only £7 advance/on the door, or just a fiver after the band for the club night only. Cash only on the door please.
Additional Details
Ticket URL - https://www.skiddle.com/whats-on/Leeds/Lending-Room--The-Library/Carpe-Noctum-Chaos-Bleak-St-Lucifer-and-the-Medea-Project/40825459/